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The next morning, I felt so warm waking up with Eddie's arms wrapped around my body. I woke up on my stomach, facing the wall, and turn over to see Eddie laying on his side, facing me, still asleep.

I laid there for a while, admiring his peaceful state, looking so at ease. I watched his even breathing and felt his arm twitch over me every once in a while.

I got up very carefully, trying not to wake him. I wandered the house, making sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Our bedroom wasn't nearly as bad as the rest of the house. The house was gloomy and falling apart with beams of light peaking through the boarded-up windows. But, the bedroom was more of a garage with every wall being concrete. Just a garage with a bathroom and a kitchenette, really.

I walked back into the bedroom, grab my bag and take out a change of clothes, changing and putting my dirty clothes in a laundry basket.

Eddie slept most of the day away. He must have been scared someone would find us and stayed up all night, watching. He's been on edge since the Chrissy stuff, which is completely understandable.


I hear Eddie move as he starts to wake up, the setting sun burning his tired eyes.

"Well, good morning Eddie," I smile as he squints at me.

"Good morning," he returned a weak smile, getting up.

"You slept the whole day away," I laugh while Eddie stretches his arms above his head, revealing his happy trail.

"Yeah, sorry. I had trouble sleeping," he gave me a tired laugh.

"I just wanted to make sure you were safe and no one found us. It's all I can really think about," he gives me a frustrated look like he could fall back asleep at the snap of a finger.

I walk over to him and give him a hug, wrapping my arms around his torso while his arms went around my shoulders. "It's okay," I say as I rub his back. "Don't worry, we can take turns doing night watch but we really shouldn't sleep the entire day afterward."

Eddie chuckled, pulling back to give me a big smile.

"You should change, you smell like outside," I laugh. "Robin gave us clothes that should last the week," I pick up the duffle bag and push it into Eddie's chest, causing him to huff.

"She had to buy you new clothes since the cops still have your house on lockdown."

"Oh shit, still?" Eddie looks up from me as he pulled the shirt over his head.

"Eddie, it's a crime scene," I give him an unimpressed look.

"I know that but what the hell! All my shit is in there!" He whines, flailing his arms.

We both laugh but quickly our laughter turns to panic when we hear a noise outside. I grab our bags and shove them into the closet, hiding any sign of life. We look out the window and find Jason and his two friends approaching the house, their attempt to be quiet, miserably failing.

Eddie and I rush to the boat, quickly grabbing paddles and row as hard as we can, trying to get away from the group of boys.

"Hey, freak! Where are you going?!" Jason yells, clearly frustrated that we made it so far out into the lake. "Wait! What the fuck?! Yn?! Let her go, man!"

"Shit, shit, shit. This is not good," Eddie mumbled to himself.

"What do you think our chance of survival is?" I give a half-assed laugh.

"Well, I think they think I kidnapped you so... mine? Negative. You have a pretty good shot, though," he smiles at me.

We just kept rowing further and further into the lake. Jason and his friends began taking off their clothes to begin swimming toward us.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now