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Trigger warning: Sexual assault

I opened my eyes as I stretched, wrapping my arms around Eddie. I smile at the warmth coming from his body. I don't have even the slightest urge to get up. The days after getting really high make me lazy as shit.

I look up at Eddie's sleeping face, smiling to myself. He looked so peaceful. I could stare at him like this forever. But fuck am I hungry. I got up as carefully as I could, trying not to wake him up and actually succeeding. I walk out of his room and into the kitchen, looking in every cabinet to see if there's any food. Nothing.

I open the fridge, trying to find anything and all there is in here is two beers and a carton of eggs. So, eggs it is. I crack them into a bowl, whisk them with a fork and put the eggs onto a pan. I saved some on a plate, putting it in the microwave to keep it warm for Eddie. As I sat down at the counter, the front door opened. I look up mid-bite. It's the heroin guy from the other day. He walked in wearing a wifebeater, jeans, and work boots. He walked into the kitchen and looked up at me while I sat there, eating.

I look down at my plate which was probably the worst mistake I could have made. When I look back up, the guy is standing directly in front of me, too close for comfort. He looked at me with a disgusting smile swiped across his face.

"What are you to Munson?" He asked, nodding his head in the direction of Eddie's room.

"Girlfriend," I answered dryly, not wanting this conversation to continue.

"Would you cheat on him?" His face got closer to mine, causing me to lean back. His breath reeked of alcohol.


"You sure?" He places his hand on my knee, immediately making me lose my appetite. I look up at him and stand up, moving away from the counter.

"Positive. Now, please, fuck off," I say, trying to grab my plate. As soon as my hand passed him, his fingers were wrapped around my wrist.

"How old are you?" He whispered.

"Sixteen," I lied.

He stood there for a second, thinking about god knows what. I try pulling my hand away but it's no use. "Good enough," he shrugs, yanking my arm to him.

My eyes widen as he grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. "Edd-" I try to scream but he covered my mouth.

I went to punch him in the face but he caught my fist. How can this scrawny ass guy be so fucking strong? I tried yelling again but the muffled noises were no use. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I tried kicking him in the dick but couldn't reach. Before I knew it, he bent me over onto the counter. My arms crushed under my chest as he shoved a washcloth into my mouth.

My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but nothing I try is working. He pressed one hand to my upper back, pushing me harder against the counter. He pulled back, pulling my pants down. I kick again, reaching his crotch this time. I push his hands off of me and pull the rag out of my mouth, quickly running to Eddie's room and slamming the door shut behind me.

I lock the door and press my back to it, sliding down to the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. I sit there in a ball and cry, trying to stay as quiet as possible so the guy can't hear me. I heard the front door open and slam shut, making me jump. I couldn't keep my cries silent anymore, I can't breathe. No matter how much air I try to inhale, it's not enough. I tried taking deep breaths. I try to keep them even but everything that just happened kept replaying in my mind.

What did I do? What am I wearing? This is my fault. I should've woken Eddie up. I should've stayed in bed.

I look up and see Eddie slowly waking up. His eyes opened as he sat up, stretching his arms over his head. I tried wiping my tears but they kept falling. Eddie looked at me and concern flooded his face. He rushed over to me, kneeling in front of me. I covered my face with my hands. Eddie reached out his hand, rubbing my back which made me flinch. He quickly removed his hand.

"What happened? What's going on?" He asked, sounding panicked.

"I- he just fucking," I couldn't speak or breathe. I leaned to the side, curling into a ball and laying on the floor. "Don't let him in, please, Eddie!" I sobbed.

"Don't let who in? What happened? It's okay, Y/n. I can help you I just need to know how," he rubbed his hand through my hair, trying his best to soothe me.

I took deep breaths, still trying to calm myself. I look at Eddie, pulling my hands away from my face as he moved his hand up and down my arm. "He, that guy, your uncle's friend. He, fuck," I try and get my words out but they won't. "He tried to rape me," I whispered, closing my eyes again in hopes no more tears would fall, but they did.

"He fucking did what?!" Eddie stands, walking over to his bed and reaching under, pulling out a bat. I moved out of the way of the door as Eddie stormed out. I got up, quickly following behind him, not wanting him to get in trouble.

Eddie ran out of the trailer, getting out before me. I run out to see Eddie beating the guy's legs, torso, anything he could hit. He threw the bat to the side before straddling the guy's chest. I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. I want to stop Eddie but I also want the guy to get his ass handed to him.

Eddie pulled his fist back before colliding it with the guy's face. He punched him repeatedly and I'm pretty sure I heard something crack. A truck pulled up to the trailer, Eddie's uncle quickly running over and pulling Eddie off the guy.

"Let me go!" Eddie yelled, shoving his uncle as he help the guy by his shirt, ripping it. The guy tried to get out of Eddie's grasp but Eddie is a lot stronger. You know... because he doesn't shoot heroin.

"Eddie, stop!" Wayne wrapped his arms around Eddie, restraining him as the guy got up, rushing to his car with a horrible limp. "Eddie, chill the fuck out!" he yelled as Eddie struggled to get out of his uncle's arms. Once the guy was gone, Eddie almost got out of his grasp before Wayne whispered something in his ear, immediately causing Eddie to stop fighting.

"This is bullshit," Eddie pushed off his uncle, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. "He won't ever come near you again. I'm gonna make sure of it," he said as he pulled back, holding either side of my face.

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