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I woke up with a pounding headache and feeling dizzy. After our research, Robin and I decided that rather than going home, we would go to our friend's house and get alcohol. Let's just say I was not the designated driver for the night. Robin took the alcohol to my house for me but didn't drink any until she left me at home and went to her house.

But not I'm slightly (very) hungover. I looked around my bedroom when I woke up, assessing my surroundings. I walked to my mom's room but she wasn't there. She never leaves the house.

The house is so silent, almost eerie. I glanced at the clock on the wall only to have my heart drop to my ass. It's 11:34. I have school!

"Shit shit shit shit shit," I repeat, rushing back to my room to gather my bag and whatever else I needed for school. I run through the house but halt at the kitchen, finding my mom. I guess she didn't hear me scramble through the house because when she closes the fridge and finds me standing practically in front of her, her hand flies to her heart with a loud gasp.

"Christ, y/n. You scared me," She said, laying out the food she had just taken out. "Sorry, mom." I looked at the floor, expecting to get a lecture.

"It's alright. Wait, why aren't you at school? Who took Dustin?" She asked, starting to panic.

"Sorry, uhm, I forgot to set my alarm and Dustin went to Mike's last night to Mrs. Wheeler took them to school," I smiled weakly.

"Well, good. At least you were responsible. Just stay home, I'll call you in sick. I know how hangovers can be," She says, waving me off as she reaches for the phone.

I go to walk away but pause, my brain barely registering that she knows I'm hungover. I shrug my shoulders and walk to my bed. As soon as my body hit the bed I knocked out.


I was awakened by my mom shaking me.

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up, it's 5:30 in the morning. You slept a long time!" She yells while I struggle to open my eyes.

I groan and finally find enough effort to get out of bed. The only clothes I will willingly put on are comfy clothes. It's too early and I'm too tired. I didn't even put on makeup, I just grabbed my backpack and put it on the couch so I don't forget it.

I brush my teeth then grab my brush and take it to the kitchen with me. While I'm detangling my hair with one hand, I grab a pop-tart with the other. "Bye mom, love you, have a good day!" I yell through the house. "Bye sweetie, remember to not let anyone fuck with you!"

I laugh through my nose and lock the door behind me. I hop into the car, throwing my bag into the passenger seat and putting in my favorite CD.

I see Dustin as I pull into a parking spot and quickly get out of the car. Running up behind him, I wrap my arm around his shoulders. "Heyyy dusty bun," I laugh, mimicking Suzie.

He throws my arm off of him and turns around to face me. "Y/N! I told you that isn't funny! Don't call me that." I rubbed my knuckle on his head and he pushed my hands off again, annoyed with me.

"Look, Mike and Max think it's funny," I say, gesturing my hand to them. Max pulls a pencil from the side pocket of my bag, holding it up to her mouth as a microphone. "Turn around..." She raises her eyebrows at me to join in. "Look at what you seee!" We collectively sing in the hallway.

We all laugh, except for Dustin. "Surprise!" Eddie swings his arm across both of my shoulders. "Fuck!" I yell, startled at his sudden appearance. I look over and see his arms slung around me and Mike.

"So, what's the news?" He asked, looking between Dustin and Max.

Max shrugs, "Nothing besides the fact that Dustin is the worst liar ever!" This gets a laugh out of Eddie.

"Hey!" Dustin exclaims, hitting Max with the back of his hand. "No making fun of me, remember?!"

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, looking between everyone. "What are you guys talking about?"

Eddie looked at me, taking his arms off me and Mike. "Well, if you were here yesterday, you would be up to speed," he said giving me a sarcastic look.

I laugh in response. "I was tired!" I throw my hands up in defense.

"Yeah yeah, excuses excuses," he shook his head and smiled at me. "But, basically, Dustin had one job. And that was to sneak into the classroom to get test answers for Mike."

My eyes dart to Dustin. "We talked about this. You can't do stuff like that, you're gonna get in trouble!" I cross my arms, glaring between him and Mike.

"But it was for a good cause!" Dustin whined. "But now, since he couldn't get them, we're gonna fail,"

"What is such a good cause that you need the answer key?" I ask, considering Dustin and Mike are decently smart.

"Yeah, Mike?" Dustin puts his hands up in question.

I glare at Dustin, telling him to shut up. He knew damn well why, he just wanted to get on my good side. He gave me a tight smile and nodded.

"I'm having girl problems and I didn't get to study last night," Mike blurted out.

I look at Eddie and he looks at me.

"And you're encouraging this?" I raise my eyebrows at Eddie, giving him a death glare.

He raises his arms in defense. "Nope, not me. I found out after it happened! After they tried to get the answers. After." He whispered the last word. Everyone wants to be on my good side I swear.

My expression softened and I look to Mike, pointing a finger at him. "Next time, study. It's not like El lives around here anyway. If you need help with her, call me." Then I turn to Dustin, who is also getting a finger pointed at him. "And you, I'm not mad but that's a dumb fucking reason to steal answers."

I turn to Mike again since he doesn't know jack shit about girls, being a loser all his life. "Give El some space. Girls need space. She's too kind to tell you off but I promise she doesn't want you up her ass all the time," I try and explain as nicely as I can.

He nodded his head at me then looks around at everyone worried. "Shit, you're right. Did I fuck up?"

"Were you calling her all night and sending her a bunch of letters or however you contact her?"

He nodded, looking ashamed of himself.

"Just give her time, I'm sure she'll come around," I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze as a friendly gesture.

I look at Eddie to find him already staring at me. He tilted his head as he examined my face and every feature on it. I smiled as my stomach erupted in so many butterflies I almost threw them up.


Eddie and I walked out of school together. I enjoy talking to him, he made me smile and always knew how to make me laugh. My favorite part of our conversations had to be shit-talking the basketball team. We get along amazingly and have a lot of the same interests.

"...and that's exactly why I will never talk to Mrs. W ever again," he turns to face me, sticking up his finger matter of factly.

"Wait!" I stop Eddie and myself from walking any further. "Give me a piggyback ride!" I said with a giant grin on my face, walking behind him

He laughed, shaking his head and bending his knees a bit giving me a clear jump. "You are crazy Henderson."

I rub my hands together, preparing myself for the jump. I run back a bit then forward, leaping onto his back. He grabbed the back of my thighs and I wrapped my arms around his neck, careful not to choke him.

He straightened his back as we both laughed. "Onward!" I yelled, pointing my finger forward.

Eddie ran and stopped to spin me in circles. I screamed which made him laugh so hard he bent over and almost dropped me.

"My chariot awaits me, good sir," I say pointing to my car. He runs me over to the car and lets me down.

I get in the car and roll down the window. Eddie crosses his arms and rests them on the open window. "See you tomorrow, Henderson," He says with the sweetest smile. "See you tomorrow, Munson," He backs away from the car and I drive all the way home with a smile on my face.

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