10 (smut)

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Hey, just a warning, there are Vol. 2 spoilers in the author's note at the end of the chapter. So, if you haven't watched, close your eyes and scroll. Thank you! Enjoy the chapter!


We continued our journey through the woods, in search of the abandoned house. The sky was getting darker and darker as we continued our walk, hoping no one heard or saw us.

We finally arrive at this scary-ass house and pick up our pace, trying to get inside as quickly as possible without disturbing anything.

"Finally!" Eddie exhaled very loudly, making me rush my hands to his mouth to stop any more sounds from escaping.

"You're still a wanted criminal, loudass," I whisper yell to him, shaking my head. I shake my head and start walking to the porch.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one shutting you up. Not the other way around," He gave me a smug smile, jogging behind me to catch up.

Robin stopped walking, causing me to bump into her. "See, what was that Y/n?" she gestures her hand to Eddie who has a proud smile plastered to his face.

I playfully slap Robin's arm.

"That was very..." Nancy smiled, trailing off.

"Sexual," Steve finishes her sentence. "Very sexual," he laughed and crossed his arms as we walk up to the kids who were climbing through a window.

We followed through the window after them and made out way to the living room.

"Alright, what's the plan?" Eddie asks, seating himself on the plastic-covered couch.

"I think you guys," I point to Dustin, Max, and Lucas. "Go back home. You cant make everyone more worried than they already are. Eddie and I will stay here. Nancy will go home and tell everyone she was at Steve's since his parents are away." I suggested.

Everyone looked between each other, nodding and agreeing. Everyone except Nancy and Dustin.

"Wait, why would I be at Steve's?" Nancy looks at me confused.

"Fine Uhm, you were at Robin's hanging out," I suggest. "With Steve!"

"Okay, that makes more sense I guess," Nancy said, giving Steve a tight smile.

"Sounds good to me," Robin shrugged.

"Why do we have to go home? We just escaped them! What do we say? 'Sorry for leaving it was all just shits and giggles'?" Dustin complained, waving his arms about.

"Just, tell them you're just kids and wanted to have fun. I don't know. They'll probably understand," I smile at Dustin who seems unimpressed by anything I say.

He rolls his eyes and Steve, Nancy and Robin shoo them out of the house.

"Bye! Be safe!" I shouted, waving as they walked out.

They shut the door behind them and Eddie turned around on the couch, peeking out the window to watch them leave.

"You're lucky I didn't cover your mouth when you shouted," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ugh, get over it, Munson. I'm not the one the cops want," I laugh.

"So, now what we're alone... We could go to the bedroom," He suggests, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Okay, I'll go up there with you if you stop doing that eyebrow thing," I give him a fake disgusted look.

Eddie hurries after me, causing me to squeal and run away from him.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now