6 (smut)

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Eddie and I had spent the whole day together. We just talked and talk about our entire lives.

I walked into the bedroom and saw Eddie laying on his back with his hands behind his head. He looked focused, focused on me. I walked over and laid myself next to him on the bed, propping my head up with my hand. He looked at me with the sweetest smile.

"What's going on in that head of yours, Munson?" I asked.

"You... and weed," he answered, staring me down.

"I could get high. Do you want to? I have edibles in my bag," I nodded my head to my backpack laying on the floor across the room.

"Of course, I want to," he got up so fast it startled me. He made his way to my bag.

"It's in the little front pocket," I say as he picks it up.

He pulls out a ziplock bag with brownies in it. "Ta-da!" Eddie holds the bag in the air.

"I didn't know you got these too," He said, tossing the brownies next to me.

"Yeah, they're my favorite. I like them better than the gummies," I open the bag and hand Eddie a brownie.

"You ready?" I ask and hold up the brownie to cheers.

"Ready," He hit his brownie to mine, causing crumbs to fall onto the bed.

We both laugh and take a bite at the same time. Eddie finished his first and watched me eat mine which made it hard for me not to laugh. But, he ended up cracking up when I shoved the rest of the brownie in my mouth, not being able to talk.

I gave him a death glare so he would look away while I chew the giant bite. Once I finished Eddie quickly turned his head to me which made me laugh.

"Are you laughing at me?" Eddie gasped, clutching his heart and falling backward.

"What? Me? I would never," I pretend to be just as shocked as he is.

Now we are both on our backs, staring at the ceiling.

"Now what?" I ask, turning my head to Eddie.

"Now, we wait for the fun," he raised his eyebrows at me, which made me giggle.

I place my hands across my stomach as Eddie did, not meaning to copy him but he saw me do it.

"Copy cat," he mumbled to himself which made him smile.

"Dickhead," I laugh to him.

"You wish you had this dick in your head," he hit his shoulder to mine.

"Eddie!" I smacked his chest with the back of my hand, not believing that those words actually came out of his mouth.

He laughed and sat up, propping his head on his hand, looking over me. He moved his body over mine, placing his arms on either side of my head. He put his knee between my legs, separating them.

I brought my hands up to his hair, moving it from his face so I could get a clear view. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Do you think Dustin will be suspicious of us?" He asked sweetly.

"I don't think so. I did tell him we were just friends. But he probably thinks you just have a crush on me, considering the things you said the night I played D&D with you guys," I shrugged

He shrugs his shoulders as well and chuckles. "What can I say? I couldn't keep my eyes off of you."

I smile up at him, our eyes locking. He lowers his head to kiss me. The kiss grew deeper and deeper until it's interrupted by our smiles. He pulled away and kissed my forehead before making his way to my pants. He was hovering over the waistband of my jeans as I watched him, wanting to see every move he makes. He slowly unbuttoned my pants, pulling the zipper down while keeping eye contact. He pulled them down, not removing his eyes from mine for even a second.

"You're so pretty from here. Perfect," he said,

I blushed heavily and choked out a thank you.

He smiled at me, fully removing my jeans and tossing them to the side. "Look at you, all wet for me," he said, smiling proudly.

"You're breathtaking, sweetheart," I could feel his breath on me, sending chills through my whole body.

He smiles, seeing his effect on me. He loves the power he holds. His fingers wrap around the sides of my underwear, bringing them down my legs. He tosses them to the floor with my discarded pants.

He kisses my thighs, sucks, and bites, leaving marks. Marking me as his. My head falls back with a gasp when he kisses my clit. He started lapping his tongue over and over, kissing, sucking, moaning. The vibrations of his moans made my breath hitch.

The skill he had was almost too much for me when he stuck his tongue in. In and out, he would repeat this motion while one of his arms wrapped around the back of my leg for his hand to reach my clit. He rubbed circles and circles until his tongue and hand traded places.

I felt him slip a finger into me and he used his tongue to rub my clit again. His finger went in and out as I moaned out his name.

"Are you ready for two?" The vibrations of his voice covered my body in goosebumps.

I eagerly nodded my head. "Use your words," he whispered.

"Please, Eddie," I whined, putting a smile on his face.

He added the second finger, and I tried to contain my moans. I could feel my stomach start to tighten and felt like I was about to come undone.

"Eddie, I think-" I interrupted myself with a moan as he started going faster and faster.

"Whenever you're ready," he looked up at me.

And then I was, I felt this relief through my entire body. Eddie removed his fingers and watched me, breathless, laid across the bed. He licked his fingers clean then came up and kissed me. I could taste myself all over him.

He walked to my bag, pulling out clean underwear. Then, walked to his own and pulled out a pair of sweatpants.

He came back over to me and put my underwear and his sweats on me. Eddie then grabbed my ankles, pulling me to him and wrapping my legs around him. I screamed momentarily until he bent down to give me a kiss between laughter.

"Don't be a bitch," he chuckled. "Be mine instead," he said as he kissed my thighs before pulling his sweats all the way up.

"Maybe in a month or so," I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around him. I pulled him down onto the bed.

He fought out of the hug for a bit since I wouldn't let go, but only to get the covers and bull them over us. Eddie wrapped his arms around me, snuggling into the crook of my neck.

"Goodnight, lovely," he mumbled.

"Goodnight, Munson," I whispered, smiling warmly as I drifted off to sleep. 


Author's Note: Hi! This was my first time writing smut so please, let me know what you like and what you didn't so I can know for next time ;) Also, thank you for 700 reads!

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