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We begin walking around the lake, trying to find more notes, anything. We reach a dock with a boat flipped over at the end of it. I walk up to it and notice another note.

"Great, more fucking clues. If all this shit is for a stupid little scavenger hunt, I swear to god," Eddie complained more.

I opened the note.

Well, number fifteen. Did you really think the test would be this easy? Did you really believe I would just let you walk around playing iSpy? This isn't a game, Y/n. This is a plan. Now that you've been distracted, I've been working on our beginning. The beginning of an alliance. Meet me where the games started.


I sighed, annoyed with the note. What does he mean? He wants us to go back to the abandoned house? Why? There isn't anything special there. But this isn't a game, he said. Games?

"You gonna sit there and keep everything to yourself?" Eddie joked. "Do you wanna share the love note with the rest of the class?" He laughed, gesturing his arm to Robin and Dustin.

"It's not a love note. It's just, personal," I lie. I don't want him getting involved. The more involved he is, the more likely he is to get hurt.

"Why can't I know?" Eddie crosses his arms.

"It's just, not the right time for this conversation," I give him a reassuring smile. He nodded.

"What are we supposed to do then?" Dustin rubbed his eyes, clearly becoming frustrated.

"You're not doing anything. This doesn't involve you anymore. I want you guys to stick together and find a way out," I say, avoiding their eyes.

"You're fucking funny if you think I'm leaving you here," Eddie scoffs.

"You expect us to just let you go out there, on your own? What are you? Psychotic?" Robin starts to get irritated too.

"You have to, please. Listen to me. I know what I need to do." I feel bad for leaving them. For leaving Eddie. But I have to. I'd rather myself get hurt than them.

"Why the fuck do you think we would just listen to you?" Eddie starts to yell. "I mean, be realistic here, Y/n. You've barely told us anything and now you want to wander off by yourself?"

"Can you just fucking listen to me, Eddie!" Now everyone is mad.

"Go ahead! I'm all ears!"

I paused for a moment, looking at Eddie, watching him grow angrier. I sigh. "Please, just trust me," I send a reassuring smile before continuing. "I know what I need to do. This will never end if you stay with me. It's better if I do this alone. And you," I look to Eddie. "You can lose the attitude. I'm trying to save all of our asses and all you keep doing is complaining. Complaining about walking. Complaining about not knowing enough. You know more than either of them and Dustin is my family. So be a little more grateful and stop whining like a bitch. I know this is stressful and it's hard to let me go on my own but the way you're acting is not helping in the slightest!" I take a deep breath, watching Eddie's face.

I watched regret consume his face. "Whatever. Let her go I guess," he turned his back to me, walking away.

"What? Eddie!" Dustin yelled, jogging to catch up with him.

"Fuck," Robin groaned, also catching up to them. As soon as I knew I was out of their sight I booked it and ran through the trees. I didn't stop until I made it to town. I could barely breathe from running so far and I was honestly scared to be out here by myself.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now