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Y/n's POV:

I smiled to myself as I felt tears slip out of my eyes, watching Henry suffer.

"Please!" He cried out before screaming in pain again. "I'm your- Fuck!" He yelled between breaths. "I'm your father, Y/n!" He screamed. My smile instantly dropped and so did my heart. My dad?

I wave my hand and the bats stop eating him and fly away. He looked down at his wounds while his breathing stayed heavy. The bats flew into some nearby trees, watching over us. I walked over to him and kneeled beside his head. "How?" I ask, not wanting to believe that this man who has made me watch my family die, is my father.

He slowed his shaken breath. "Growing up, I was lonely in the lab. When I was around sixteen, I saw this girl in the lab, peeking into the windows on the door of the rainbow room. She was always following Papa around. And, one day," a small smile appeared on his face. "One day, she approached me. We talked, and I found out her name is Luna. After that, she would come and find me, to talk. A lot," he laughed a bit. "She would come into the rainbow room and help me, play chess with me, anything she could so she could talk to me longer. God, I had the biggest crush on her. And, I wasn't stupid. I know what I felt, I knew then. Then she told me she liked me. But, she wasn't like us, she was normal. She was only in the lab because she was Brenner's daughter," he looked up at me. "We started dating, secretly of course. She started sneaking into my room. I'm not going to scar you with the details," he laughed again. As if I'm not scared already, watching everyone I love die. "She hid the whole thing from Brenner somehow. Then one day her water broke in my room."


Luna held her stomach as I scrambled around my room, not knowing what to do.

"Shit," I mutter to myself. "We're gonna have to do it in here," her eyes widen in fear.

"I'm scared," she whispered. I knew she was scared. I've always known.

I looked into her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I know... It's gonna be okay," I reassure her, kissing her forehead. She laid down on my bed and gave me a nervous smile before grabbing a pillow and covering her mouth to muffle any noise. She propped her feet onto the bed and I sat between her legs. Fuck this is happening a lot faster than I expected. "Whenever you feel you need to push, push."

I watched the baby as she screamed in pain into the pillow. Tears rolled down her face as I reached my hand up for her to grab. Without looking she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. My gaze flickered between Luna and the baby, making sure both were okay.


Luna removed the pillow from her face, breathing heavily as she smiled. "Is he okay?" She asked. The baby wailed in my arms when I look up with a smile. "Can I see?" She asked.

"Well, he is a she," I laugh, handing her the baby. She's wrapped in the blanket from the bed since it's all we had. Luna sat up in the bed and I sat next to her.

"She's gorgeous," Luna says as she looks down at her baby. Our baby. I felt my eyes fill with tears. I try to wipe them away but it's no use. The tears started falling faster down my cheeks as I admired our baby. Luna brought her hand to the baby's face, rubbing her cheek with her thumb.

"Y/n," She looked up at me. "Her name is Y/n," Luna smiled, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"It's perfect," I laid my head on top of hers. "You think?" She looked at me, almost worried that I wouldn't like it. "Yes," I smile, kissing her forehead. I wrap my arm behind her as she laid her head back on my shoulder.

Luna spoke to the baby in a higher-pitched voice. "Hi Y/n," she giggled. "I'm your mom. Shit, that's weird to say. Shit! I can't say that in front of the baby! Fuck! Oh my god," Luna brought a hand to her mouth to stop anything else from coming out. "I'm gonna love you forever. My baby," she whispered before holding the baby closer.


"It was the best moment of my life." I felt tears slip down my face as he smiled. He slowly brought his hand to my face, causing me to flinch before he wiped my tear away. "I'm sorry."

I moved my face away from his hand, he dropped it to the ground. I don't know how to feel. I feel everything. "What happened after I was born?"

"We fell asleep, on accident. Brenner didn't find her in her room that morning and burst into mine. He found us. He was shocked like I'd never seen. He has his guards take you and Luna away and I was in complete and utter torture for two months. The only break I got was when I could sleep. Luna helped me though. I don't know how but I know it was her because I'm sure Brenner would have had me killed. But, I was put with the others. So, I began helping the kids, teaching them how to control themselves. Everyone outside of the lab was told I had died. Then they changed my name to Peter Ballard," he sighed.

"Where is she now?" I ask, looking down at my hands.

"I'm not sure. Brenner knows. I know he does."

"So, why am I not with her?"

"You were in the lab since you have powers. I'm not exactly sure how it all went down. But, I had to watch you grow up there, not being able to interact with you. I couldn't talk to you, hug you, I could only ever secretly watch. I watched you interact with the other kids and watched them get jealous because you were more advanced than them. I watched as they hated you for the praise you got from Papa. They hated that you were stronger," he smiled weakly.

I took a deep breath, then another, and another. What am I supposed to do? I hadn't really thought about why he did this to me, just that I needed to stop him. He could still be lying about Dustin. I don't think he wants to see me in pain. I think he wants me to remember him. But, how could I remember someone I haven't seen since the day I was born? If he knows Dustin is the person I love most, why would he take him away? Why would he take him away like they took me and Luna from him? Maybe I'm in denial. Fuck, I'm so confused. 

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