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We rode the bikes to my house to get bananas. When we got there, I saw an unhappy, sweaty Dustin and Lucas sitting on the porch. I smiled at him as I got off his bike.

"You fuckers stole our bikes!" He stands, gesturing to the bikes. "We had to walk two miles back here," he crossed his arms.

"Sorry," I shrugged with a smile. "At least we brought them back."

Lucas and Dustin push passed us, Dustin putting his bike away and Lucas riding home.

I walk into the house and grab two bananas before walking back out. Eddie is laughing at Dustin about something but Dustin doesn't look quite as happy.

"Stop taking my stuff," Dustin pointed at me as he walked into the house.

"Too late!" I yell back to him.

I smile at Eddie, pulling the car keys from my pocket.

"Bananas!" Eddie exclaims from the passenger seat, snatching them from my hand.

"Yeah, eat up," I laugh, backing out of the driveway.

"By myself? You don't want one?" He asks as he starts peeling the banana, stinking up my car.

"No, you wanted to do this. And I don't like bananas."

"You like my banana," Eddie mumbled with his mouth full.

"What?" I glance at him, not hearing what he said.

"Nothing," he smirked, looking out his window.


Eddie and I hid behind the car, watching the sidewalk as people step over the banana peels.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Eddie whispers every time someone gets close to stepping on it. But every time someone steps over it, he's disappointed.

"Be patient!" I shove his shoulder, making him lose his balance from his crouched position. I laugh at him as he falls on his ass.

"Hey!" He shoved me back, making me fall on my ass.

We both laugh when I look over and see some middle schooler walking towards the peels, not paying attention, and her arms full of books.

"Hey, hey, look," I hit Eddie with the back of my hand. He dusts his hands off, getting back into his original crouch.

This girl had a little extra pep in her step, swaying her hips way more than needed. I noticed a group of boys, who she was probably trying to impress.

Her face quickly changed from confident to scared in a split second when her foot glided across the banana peels. Her books flew up into the air and her butt quickly met the ground. Eddie and I started dying of laughter as we watched the boys walk by her.

She looked embarrassed as one of the boys offered their hand to help her up but she slapped it away. Rude. She stood up, dusting herself off and picking up her books.

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to Rachel about these stupid boys. They're just in the way. Screw this summer reading," She mumbled to herself, kicking a book. She walked away annoyed when I look at Eddie who was trying not to laugh but when our eyes met we started dying laughing again.

"Now I know," he shrugged, laughing.


"Shit," I whisper.

"Hold still, sweetheart. You're gonna mess me up," Eddie smiled, shaking his head.

The feeling of the needle felt like someone was dragging a razor over my skin over and over. Hurts like a bitch.

"How are you not done?! It's been forty minutes!" I scrunch up my face at the pain, squeezing a pillow to my face.

"I want it to look extra special, so I can remember this exact moment," He looks up at me with a smile before shrugging. "When we fuck."

I groan. "Hurry up!"

I was laying on the edge of my bed as Eddie sat between my legs on a chair. He wanted to put the tattoo right above my hip, so I let him. Eddie rested his arm on my stomach as he concentrated on the little heart he was making.

"All done," he turned off the tattoo gun and wiped the ink from the tattoo. He smiled proudly as I got up and looked in my full-body mirror. It's so cute.

"Your turn!" I clap, turning back to him.

"Where do you want it?" he asked.

I thought for a moment, glancing over his body. "Right here," I point under my collarbone.

"You just want to see me shirtless," he smiled, pulling his shirt over his head.

"No, I want it over your heart, stupid," I laugh, picking up the tattoo gun.

Eddie laid on his back and to his surprise, I straddled him. I dip the gun into the ink and get to work. I wanted to freehand it, and make it more authentic.

"Hmmm, so you wanted to get on top of me," he laughed.

"Don't laugh, you'll mess me up."

I started by making an outline, going really slow so I didn't mess it up. I went over it a few times, cleaning it up and making it look pretty. Took me like thirty minutes to do. Once I finished, I wiped it gently, smearing the ink across his chest. He barely had any reaction the whole time, just laid back and relaxed. I turned the tattoo gun off and Eddie and I stood in front of the mirror, admiring our tattoos.

"You actually did really good," Eddie said, looking closer into the mirror. "I honestly thought you were gonna fuck it up," he laughed.

"Rude," I roll my eyes at him.

"I've been a lot of your firsts you know. Graffiti, tattoos, sex, not drugs though, sadly. I would've loved to see your first high," he laughed again.

"Eddie," I whisper yell at him. "My mom's home!"

"Oops," he chuckled. "Wanna smoke," he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes at the face he pulled. "Can't, just smoked with your mom," shrug, walking over to the window.

"Hilarious," he followed behind me, sitting on my bed.

"Of course, I wanna smoke!" I smile, pulling an already rolled joint from my bedside table. "Shit. Do you have a lighter?"

"Uh," Eddie pats his pockets. "Yeah," he hands me a lighter from his front pocket.

"I wanna hot box my room!" I smile, shutting my window. "My long-awaited middle school dream!" I giggle as I take a hit.

"Oh, so you want to die? No, you want me to die? Your mom will kill me, thinking I'm a bad influence," he smiled, taking his own hit.

"I want to see what she'll do," I shrug as Eddie blows smoke in my face. He shook his head before passing the joint to me.

"If you insist," he laughs.


We've smoked two whole joints and are now on our third. I'm high off my ass, Eddie's high off his, and we're having a great time. My room is gonna smell for weeks.

Eddie and I were laying on my bed, him on his back and me laying on his stomach as he played with my hair.

"Do you think the government is controlling us?" Eddie looks down at me. "Because I kind of feel like I'm the only living person. Like, the government could be watching me through your eyes, and you're like a robot or something."

"I hope the government likes the shows we've put on," I laugh.

"What if there's a bomb in the earth and there's a button hidden somewhere with no label or anything? Just a button in like, the middle of the dessert. And if someone finds it and pushes it then we all die," I speak really fast.

"I think we're too high," Eddie laughs.

"Maybe," I laugh with him.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now