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I pulled my mouth away from Eddie's as Robin started humming a song.

"Hey," Eddie whined.

"We're gonna make Robin uncomfortable if we continue," I laugh.

Eddie looked up, looking Robin dead in the eyes from the rear view mirror. "How dare you be uncomfortable!"

She looked back at Eddie through the mirror. "That's not me who said it! She's the one who pulled away, just for your information," she shifted her attention to me. "How dare you use me as an excuse to stop kissing him. You know I don't care," Robin laughed, shrugging her shoulders.

Eddie's head whips back in my direction with a glare.

"Well, I didn't want him to go any farther. You know how he is!" I gesture my hand to him. "Besides, why make out now when we can make out later where we can take it farther!" I said in an attempt to defend myself.

"But I love your lips!" Eddie continued to whine.

"Every time we get high, he says something about my lips," I say to Robin, making her smile.

"Don't expose me like that," he pointed a finger in my face while he tried to get comfortable in the middle seat.

"You did this to yourself," I smiled and shrugged.

Eddie crossed his arms, pouting.

"I'm just gonna, play some music," Robin said, pressing play on her radio.

A song I didn't know filled the car. Robin clearly knew the song since she was lip-syncing and moving her head and shoulders around, doing a little dance while she drove.

Meanwhile, Eddie laid down, his head opposite from the side I'm sitting. He was quick to pull me down onto him. I look up at him confused while he just wrapped his arms around me, drawing shapes on my back. I rested my eyes while my head laid on his chest.


Robin pulled into the driveway of the abandoned house. Eddie and I peeked our heads up to look out of the window.

Robin turned her head both ways, checking to see if anyone was near. "Alright kiddos, coast is clear! Run," she smiled.

"Thank you, Robin!" I lean forward from the back seat, giving her a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car.

"Yeah, I'm not doing that. Thanks though," Eddie said quickly, giving her a smile.

Eddie and I quickly ran up to the house. We slipped through the window and when we were both in I heard Robin's car drive away.

I smile widely at Eddie as he closed the window. "Come on," I say, nodding towards the stairs.

As we walk up to the bedroom, Eddie's smile doesn't leave his face for even a moment.

I lean back and fall onto the bed, leaving my feet on the floor. I watch Eddie move over to me and feel his hands softly rest on my legs before gently pushing them apart. I look him in the eyes but his eyes aren't looking at mine. They're looking at every part of my face, reading every reaction I have.

"You know, when I was leaving my trailer. I forgot to grab a very important thing," his hands moved unbearably slow up my thighs. "Good thing we have bed sheets," he gave me a dark smile.

I didn't know what he was going on about yet, but I like where it's going. I waited patiently, closing my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his cold rings against my skin as his hands started dipping into the hem of my shirt. But before I knew it, his touch was gone.

Dear Eddie (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now