Chapter 32 " Anika's File"

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After an hour

In the orphanage

Anika entered the orphanage gate and smiled widely and bit her nail and said

Anika teasingly: you are not returning me back aren't you??

Shivaay raised an eyes brow and said: will they agree to take you back?

Anika chuckled and shook her head as Shivaay smiled to her and got out of the car and Shivaay noticed she stopped limping and he smiled widely and spread his hand to her and nodded and the minute he touched her hand she squeezed on his hand

Anika worried: your hand is shivering why is your hand shivering??

Shivaay shook his head hard with a smile and said: it's nothing don't mind

Anika: you didn't tell me how you will find about my family??

Shivaay as he ascends the stairs towards great ma office

Shivaay: your picture in your file when you was five (then he swallowed and said in shivery tone) I mean if you lose some one dear you may not recognize her features after she grow up but you never forget the face of your loved one who her lose broke your heart, right?

Anika: so you planning to make an ad in the news with my picture as a child and ask on who have an information on me?? And of course my family won't forget their lost child face it could work, right?

Shivaay said while nodding fast and nervously: yes, yes it could work

Anika happily: NO, it for sure will work, Shivaay because you are a genius why no one thought of that before why didn't I think of that before? Instead of collecting money for a house, I should collect for an ad a lot of them everywhere (then she hugged Shivaay arm and said) god, I am so happy

Shivaay looked at her with shivery smile as his hand clinched as he attempted to knock on the door of great ma office this door between life and death they asked for two days but he couldn't wait even 24 hours why would he? He can turn this place upside down for this file waiting seems a very painful choice right now

Shivaay knocked at the door and the minute he heard the word come in he entered pulling Anika hand and taking fast steps that she struggled to keep with him why he is so in a hurry and so nervous even more than her??? She wondered

Great ma flinched seeing Shivaay for some reason she forgot his condition the other day, which seemed didn't change a bit why? She can't understand as Anika ran to her and hugged her tight

Anika: great ma I missed you so much

Great ma smiled faintly and looked at Shivaay as he looked at her eyes that after a second of this painful glaring started to become teary and got filled with guilt that terrified his soul!!As Anika broke the hug and said

Anika: great ma, I have a weird request for you but I want my file and a childhood picture for me I don't have one but you took pictures for me, I remember that.

Great ma looked at Shivaay who kept glaring at her as if she is a criminal she felt like one in this moment

Great ma looked at Anika and said: I .I don't have that too Anika, I am sorry my daughter there is files that got ruined two years ago I guess yours was one of them its old system here we still work with papers I preferred to feed more of your sisters and brothers than update our system and buy computers, forgive me

Anika sadly: are you sure great ma? (Then she said desperately holding on her hand) anything, anything great ma you are my only hope

Great ma shook her head as Anika looked at Shivaay and shook her head sadly but his eyes wasn't looking at her it was still glaring on great ma with a face that showed extreme pain and anger as if he was to demolish this place over every one head it's not fair, it's just not fair

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