Chapter 181 " The Singh Oberoi Rules"(6)

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Ragini frowned and walked with Gauri across the second floor and frowned angrily to Soumya, Omkara and Rudra who were sitting in Omkara's room and seeing them passing by Soumya closed the room door.

Ragini frowned: god, I hate Gulab, how come after all what happened he doesn't make up with Anika? But you know what? I hate you more, thanks to you we lost

Gauri frowned: no we just didn't win; we only lose if they won but if they didn't, we can start again tomorrow with two chances, remember?

Ragini smirked: finally your brain started working!!! So what we have to do is to find what their plan is and ruin it

Gauri smiled: leave that to me, I will know their plan, you be with Anika and find out what we can do to win tomorrow

Ragini smiled: where was that brain from the morning?

Gauri frowned: with the fiancé but now I need it to win, Rudra bhai can't be the second man after bhai, I won't let him

Ragini smiled then her eyes widened to Gauri and signaled to her not to speak as Shivaay was coming towards them with wide eyes


Then he frowned and ended the call and frowned to Ragini

Shivaay: your phone is ringing on me and no one is answering, fix it, switch it off, break it, I don't care but do something and stop annoying me

Ragini frowned: it is in my bag, it probably called you by mistake, I don't mean to annoy you, why are you so rude to me?

Shivaay frowned and whispered angrily: tell me you don't have a hand in my wife wearing a red two parts bathing suit in front of Julio and everyone (then he frowned more) I know Surbhi very well and I know how shy she is, you must did something to convince her to do that

Gauri eyes widened: oh I just remembered Rudra was calling me, excuse me bhai

And she ran away as Shivaay frowned to Ragini that swallowed

Ragini: okay, I might have a hand in this but not like you think (then she smiled) she wore the bathing suit for you, thinking you will be the only one in the pool

Shivaay frowned lessened: so she didn't know that they will be at the pool?

Ragini nodded: of course, Rudra brought everyone to the pool without telling us but don't mind even if Rudra didn't ruin that for her, you would have not appreciated that too (then she smiled) because you decided to hurt her, for hurting you!!

Shivaay frowned: I am not trying to hurt her, Surbhi mistake is great and I need time to forget it

Ragini frowned: and since when you need time to forget her mistakes?!!

Shivaay frowned: don't interfere between us; you won't care for her more than I do

Ragini frowned: of course I won't, you care for her more than anyone does

Shivaay frown lessened and looked at Ragini surprised as she added

Ragini: but even though, everyone's heart shatters when we look at her eyes and see the sadness in them and you don't (then she hit his chest) your heart toughened on her

Shivaay swallowed then he frowned and turned only to find Pratap standing behind them with faint frown, he looked at him for a moment and noticed he was holding couple of books, one of them was the one he bought for him

Shivaay: Prince?

Pratap: I was worried when you read to me the report for Surbhi and I wanted to make sure that she is okay, myself.

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