Chapter 36 " Anika like (1)"

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In the wooden house

Rudra and Gauri entered the wooden house with wide shocked eyes seeing the way this lifeless wooden house looked after Anika entered it how easily she changed this dark place to what can be called a small little Anika's heaven it was really Anika like!! Every part of it gives the impression that the people living there are happy and their hearts never known sadness. !!

The house smelled like fresh baking and flowers every place in this house had a vase of fresh flowers and colors was everywhere to the limit that make the eyes blur the chairs have colored covers, and each one was different than the other, one is red and one is blue and one is green with white leaves print .

Scented candles was everywhere and in every shape and in every place and colored drawings was on the walls just like the one drawn on Anika's trainers as the floor filled with small carpets that seems as if its pieces of old cloth sewed together how and when Anika did this to the place they can't imagine !!!

It's as if it was never lifeless it felt like home even for them it wasn't as big as the mansion in fact all the house wasn't as big as one room in the mansion but for some reason it felt warmer it felt like they would trade their life there just for living here

They looked at each other with wide smiles then they went to the kitchen as Anika was whisking mashed potatoes while her eyes lost in the infinite

Gauri: the house is awesome, Anika I love it and the smell of food is driving me mad

Anika nodded faintly not looking at her as Rudra raised an eye brow and said

Rudra: Bhabhi?

But Anika didn't answer and just smiled faintly looking at the infinite with lost eyes and Rudra looked at Gauri who nodded to him faintly and both stood beside her one on her left and one on her right and screamed in the same minute in her ears

Gauri and Rudra: BHAAAABHI

Anika screamed and jumped from her place, throwing the bowl of the thick mashed potatoes in the air but it fall between Rudra 's hands and Rudra eyes widened and said

Rudra: and no girls other than my sisters watched that?!!! What a bad luck!!!!

Anika angrily pulled the bowl of the potatoes and said

Anika: you both are idiots

And she started to put the mashed potato in a pan and Gauri swallowed and said

Gauri: Anika what are you doing with that?

Anika smirked and added grated cheese over the mashed potatoes and put it in the oven then winked to Gauri as Gauri put her hand on her heart

Gauri: oh god, I am in love I just love you and Rudra bhai too loves melted cheese on anything

Rudra nodded with wide smile as Gauri added

Gauri: seriously put melted cheese on anything and he will eat it even if it's on a wood he will eat it seriously he is that stupid

Rudra eyes widened and angrily pinched her arm and she jumped twice and said

Gauri: aww I am sorry I am sorry

Rudra smiled evilly and said: I won't stop till it turns blue

Gauri teasingly: aww like your hair?

Rudra stopped and left her arm and his smile vanished looking down as Gauri looked at him surprised as she rubbed her arm

Gauri: what?? Why suddenly serious? (Then she smiled and said) speaking of serious, where were you lost Ms. Anika

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