Chapter 66 "I Dreamed about you"

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Time is meaningless even if his green watch is working, rules are meant to be broken even if it's his and the feeling other than the love and the longing inside his heart ceased to exist

Nothing can stop him and never could when it came to her

Not the cold late night or the shivers going through his body that was stubborn to not to stop but not more than him as he approaching towards the wooden house with fast steady steps

His heart beats even louder than the sound of his heavy bare feet steps on the muddy wet ground and his bright blue eyes were lost without meeting her black cat like ones

(Faster faster) he asked his feet as his fast steps became running

Till he reached to the wooden house and pressed his hands on the glass window where she was leaning her head in deep sleep, sitting on the edge of the window, holding a sleeping white dove

He smiled faintly and caressed the glass with the back of his finger that was the only barrier between him and her silky black hair

Then he moved his finger over the glass till he met her finger that was still pressing over a broken heart drawn by water vapor over the glass

And he smiled sadly seeing it, she must miss him in those few hours that he closed his eyes in sleep.

She must missed him but for sure not as much as he missing her now

Damn this cruel sleep that taking the sight of her beautiful eyes away from his eyes that craving a look in hers

He took steps away from the window as his sight didn't leave her while his hand approached the knob of the wooden house door

And he closed his eyes so he can imagine her instead of taking his eyes away from her and turned the knob

And took his first slow step towards her, suddenly his feet are heavier to move and his breath is much more harder to take and as if the second sight of his beloved after the few hours of separation is more intense than the first

(Slower, slower) he asked his heart as he taking his steps towards her

Till he reached with his fingers to a stray lock coming out of her braid

And that when his longing calmed down

For some reason he never understood, her mere touch always solved everything and if a mere touch can solve everything then

"What a kiss can do?" he didn't leave a chance for his mind to wonder as he closed his eyes and captured her lips in a passionate kiss that he didn't break even when it took his breath away

What he needs a breath for when he is kissing life it self

He opened his eyes only to meet her shocked ones, he lifted his lips a little and she took a deep breath through her parted lips and leaned her head back, only to raised back by his hand and for their lips to meet again in a deeper kiss as his hand clutched on her braid so hard that she heard some of her flower plastic clips get broken in his firm grip

But she couldn't care less about her favorite hair accessory, she is in a heaven that made for her only, he again raised his lips for her to take another breath and again she leaned her head back and closed her eyes as he whispered.

Shivaay: open your eyes kitty

But she didn't want to open them, so she just kept them close for one more minute in the delight of the sensation of his kiss

Then she opened them

And it was morning

Her eyes widened seeing herself sleeping on the couch instead of the window and that is when it came to her mind

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