Chapter 109 " A Game of chess (2)"

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Pratap kept looking towards Shivaay with wide white eyes and spread his hand forward and breathed heavily as Omkara looked towards him nervously but for Shivaay shock a girl in a white dress just passed beside him and stood between him and Pratap without the care to look at him as Omkara's eyes widened to Shivaay, who signaled him not to worry and just walked slowly and hid behind a tree near them knowing he can't enter now.

Anika: what you want from me, Prince?

Shivaay eyes widened and looked at Anika in the royal white silky dress and her hair that instead of the colorful braid was just spread over her back like dark endless night, she looked very beautiful and elegant but her beauty never looked sadder

Pratap in low tone angrily: who gave you the right to let my guard go, Princess?!!!

Malika rushed towards them running and whispered to Omkara shocked

Malika: you didn't tell Prince Arjun?!!!

Omkara: I...oh god, I didn't have time and I didn't know he will call him and tell him so quickly about this

Malika frowned to him as Anika widened her eyes and said...

Anika: your guard?!!!! I didn't throw out any guard, but wait, I did throw out a criminal, a person who burn places and injure people (then she whispered) unless you like to be surrounded and guarded by criminals

Pratap frowned and said in low tone: you should be punished severely for this but I will tolerate you and allow your action just not to damage your image in front of your servant and in laws who are soon to come and stay here to know you (then he held her arm firmly) and I don't want them to know the gardener's daughter that I punished, I want them to meet a Princess that will be behaved or sorry, I believe Princess Malika told you!

Anika looked at his white eyes angrily then looked at Malika with a frown that was matching Shivaay's who was clenching his hand till it looked pale white and biting his lip nearly bloody.

Malika: forgive me Prince, her condition was very critical, she had a nervous breakdown and the doctor said we should be careful and not to put pressure on...

Anika: don't worry Malika, no pressure, I simply won't meet anyone because I won't marry anyone, I let you take my life but I won't let you give me another of your choice, no you only take lives, Prince Pratap.

Pratap looked at her for a moment then he turned and walked away towards the entry but before he enters he said.

Pratap in low tone: if you consider the life I took from you is the Singh Oberoi's son...

Anika swallowed and put her hand over her chest as Shivaay frowned in attention as Pratap continued...

Pratap in low tone: then you should be informed that this life I took is not coming back for you; the Singh Oberoi have left the country and not coming back

Shivaay eyes widened then looked down and covered his lips as Anika shook her head then smiled a shivery smile to Malika and Omkara who were shocked...

Pratap in low tone: he sold his house and everything he owns to start a new life elsewhere and away with his family, I am not sure about the Gardner and his wife though, Prince Arjun didn't read to me anything about them, but maybe he will be kind enough to take the Gardner and his wife as well, otherwise it will be shame if they were thrown in the street

A tear dropped over Anika's cheek and she looked at the diamond ring with wide eyes as Shivaay looked at her sadly and without thinking shook his head faintly as if she can see him.

Pratap in low tone: all I know that you have no life but the one I am providing to you

And he entered as Anika rushed behind him and said while he is walking away

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