Chapter 76"Don't tell"

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The man: my name is Sardar Sharma and I regret nothing, Prince

Shivaay eyes widen and swallowed looking at Sardar, how can this be happening? he is now standing in front of Sardar Sharma, the Singh Oberoi's gardener, he is alive after more than 18 years of mourning his loss, he is the one who sent the colored roses, Anika doubts were right, Jhanvi is not a widow and the man she loves still breathing yet what made him abandon his family and if Shivaay can't handle the news, how could Anika, especially when she is convinced of his death more than ever

Sardar: you came by yourself?
Shivaay swallowed and whispered: what?

Sardar: the last time your family came with two cars full of guards, just to take me and my wife to the dungeon, so if they are coming after you, tell them to return back, I am not going to fight so no need to scare the people here!!!!

Shivaay: to the dungeons?

Sardar: to kill me, Prince

Shivaay eyes widen and looked at Mustafa who frowned and held on the iron in his hand

Shivaay: I

But before he says another word his phone started ringing and he looked at Sardar then said

Shivaay: can I answer that, sir?

Sardar raised his both eyebrows then looked behind him and not founding any one behind him, he signaled on himself and said

Sardar: are you speaking to me?

Shivaay: yes, sir

Sardar looked at him for a second as the phone continued ringing then he said

Sardar: ok, go a head

Mustafa whispered: Sardar?!! Are you sure he came to kill you?

Sardar looked at him and said: maybe he is a polite killer?!!

Shivaay quickly looked at the phone's screen then his eyes widen seeing the caller and looked at Sardar with those wide eyes then answered the phone

Shivaay: yes Kitty? no I am fine, it just I have an important matter, have you ate something?(then he shook his head and said ) no you eat, don't wait for me I will be late (then he frowned and said ) don't be stubborn, I am ( then he whispered and said )at least eat one sandwich for my sake (then he frowned again and said angrily) kitty !!! Don't drive me mad

Then he looked at Sardar who was looking at him then he whispered

Shivaay: ok I have to go now Give me anyone beside you yes aunty? Make her eat she didn't eat anything since yesterday, okay bye

Then he ended the call and folded his hands to Sardar

Shivaay: I am sorry, sir it was my I mean your

Sardar looked at him confused as Shivaay closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath and said Sardar: do you need some water, son?

Shivaay smiled and said: yes, thank you

Sardar nodded and signaled on the house beside him as Mustafa looked at Sardar confused Who gave him ( I don't know ) gesture then entered behind Shivaay who stood to look at the house for a moment

The furniture was just an old couch and the kitchen was tap and small cooker, the rest of the small house that smaller than the wooden house in the mansion, was plants !!!!

Maybe 100 of them, many kind of flowers and green that gave the place a sense of life, that was also reflected in the ocean view and the sound of the waves hitting the walls of the house

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