Chapter 102 " Chain Reaction" (1)

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Malika took slow steps towards the palace's gate while her tears sliding over her frown and her nails pressing on her palm that she was clinching in anger looking at Shivaay who was hugging Anika as she leaning with closed eyes on his chest and he sitting with her under a tree and stroking her hair while looking at the gate but the second he turned and saw Malika coming towards him with so much anger and her tears flowing on her face , he frowned and carried Anika on his arm and stood as the guard came from behind her and stood in his place and she said angrily

Malika: you asked for permission to get out?

Shivaay frowned and said: I wasn't asking permission from anyone, your guard is the one who went to ask, but if I want to get out I...

Malika: you what? You will call the police on me and say I am keeping you here by force and put take me to the police station as well

Shivaay: I might!!

Malika frowned with teary eyes: you know, I thought you are a good person when you helped me, but after you turned Anika on us and made her do this to us, you can't be a good person (then she shook her head ) this was your plan all along, you never wanted us in her life , Singh Oberoi

Shivaay: yes, I never forgave you and your family on how you treated Anika and aunty Jhanvi, I always knew that you will cause her pain again and I tried to keep her away from you but something always bothered me about Anika, when she loves someone, she is blind to all the pain this person cause her and that what Anika gave you, that pure and unique love and trust.

Malika swallowed as Shivaay continued...

Shivaay: and she forced me to accept you all but then you did the one thing that Anika can never forgive

Then he smiled and didn't continue and Malika frowned not needing to be told what this one thing that Anika can't forgive about is, her love!!

Shivaay: your actions are what turned Anika on you, not me, congratulation you did the impossible !!

Malika frowned and said: whatever we are doing for Anika is for her own good and one day she will understand that, you know very well that Anika will be happier here, that we can give her what you can't give her even in years (then she looked at him proudly)she is a Princess and she doesn't deserve less than a noble Prince, yet you are not willing to give her up for her own good (then she pointed on him ) just because you can't live without her, for your own sake, you will deny her all this, you are a very selfish person, Mr. Singh Oberoi

Shivaay looked at her with disgust as Malika shook her head

Malika angrily: you know? no one since our family existed dared to do like you did and no one in decades dared to say no to the royal marriage like Anika did (then she said angrily ) because 5 people said that no, and their blood was precious as Surbhi perhaps even purer but 4 of them died with their " spouses ", the only one survived this fate was Surbhi's mother because she is the last of Padmani's blood carriers which so precious to lose but the price she paid for her mistake was Surbhi, and now Surbhi is the last daughter and the price she might pay for this mistake if not your life, won't be less

Shivaay looked at her with the same disgust as Malika bent a little and whispered

Malika: I asked if you will be able to save her, remember? When I gave you the Surbhi chain back, I saw love in your reaction and I thought your love for her is great but I was wrong, I don't think you love her enough to give her up for her own good.

Shivaay strictly: don't think it, be sure of it, I will never give Anika up, I never did and never will (then he looked at Anika and whispered) who can? (Then he looked at Anika for a moment lost then back to Malika) you say her "own good "?? what is good for Anika not what is good for you, her own good is something you don't have for her to give, no one have it (then he hit his chest ) I am the only one in this life who have it and since she was one she knew that and fought for it .

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