Chapter 94 " 10 weeks Later"

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10 weeks later..

In the dungeon

Malika took slow steps downstairs to Kate's cell and with every strike of her shoes' heels, she could hear a whimper of fear coming from that black cell at the end of the dungeon, the one where Kate is and was for the past 10 weeks .

And with every step she took closer, she found her anger and the feeling of gloating and vengeance lessening in front of the pity that started to grow in her heart towards that woman

Seeing that dark, scary, stony place never was easy for anyone, the smell of the rusted chains and ashes is enough to build immense fear and despair in anyone's heart

So how it feels to be locked there for months

And dreading every step you hear

That can be coming to take your life in the most painful way

And if not, then coming to say ...

Malika: don't worry, you are not to die today, but that doesn't mean you should not wait for it .

Kate stood from the corner she was gluing herself in and Malika could see her more clearer as she approached towards the bars of the cell and much closer to the torches flames

And Malika didn't believe how she stopped herself from gasping in shock of how this beautiful strong woman has become !!!

Her body was bones and skin, and covered with smudges of dirt and ashes , and the beautiful green eyes were red and surrounded by black and red shadows

And that fair skin was yellow and pale under her ragged clothes

And the steps she used to take with strength and grace

Were now shivering and weak .

And the minute she reached towards Malika, she sat on her knees and held the tip of her dress and looked up at her with teary eyes .

Kate: please save me Princess Malika, please take me from this place, I don't want to die ..Please ..(Then she bent her head a side and said) you forgave Adele the maid and let her go, can't you do this with me, the woman who...

Malika: who what ? Who framed me ? I could have been here in your place if not for Adele's conscience that got awaken in the last minute, that is why I asked my grandfather to forgive her and because Princess Surbhi asked me to do so as well and I can't say no to her, but your conscience didn't get awaken nor Surbhi asked me to show you any mercy, so why should I ? Because you pretended to love me and I trusted you ? Because you tried to kill my sister ( she shook her head ) Omkara was right about you, Princess ..I have no mother .

Kate sobbed and bent her head and touched Malika's feet but she took a step back as Kate raised her eyes a little, only to see disgust on her face .

Malika: I came to tell you that Prince Pratap is soon to come and he doesn't know about you and that you are here (then she shook her head ) and he won't know, you understand what that mean ?

Kate sobbed and whimpered in fear as Malika said in low tone

Malika: very well, the point is that I think that you deserve a last request I want to know it ?

Kate looked at her desperately and said ..

Kate: I don't want to die, please Malika, save me .. I want to see my husband, I want to make it up to him, to be better wife and mother for you (then she shook her head and said ) he didn't come to see me since that day (then she shook her head and said ) I don't know how long I am staying here or if we are in a morning or night but I know it's been long, too long ..Please ask him to come see me, tell him to come

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