Chapter 44 " NOT a picnic in the park"

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Anika went upstairs holding her chuckle and that is when Kamini held her arm and pulled her to her room that Anika gasped and she pushed her to the bed that she fall on her back then she sit straight and said


Kamini closed the room door but while she closing the door she didn't notice that Gauri just saw her pulling Anika in

so she hided and the minute Kamini closed the door Gauri pressed her ears on the door as inside the room Kamini looked at Anika with a scary look and Anika didn't even flinch and said with disgust

Anika: you think you can scare me?

Kamini: I am not here to scare you, I am here to know what you want from me in exchange for what you have?

Anika: and what I have?

Kamini: my black note book

Anika: you mean your diary?

Kamini: did you give it to Shivaay?

Anika took a moment considering should she say the truth or not but then she decided that she won't give her the thought to hurt Shivaay

Anika: no I didn't

Kamini smiled and said: great then we can talk

Anika: there is no talk between us

Kamini: you must need something you came in this house, serving, suffering Shivaay firm rules and that without getting money from him I even offered you a million dollars and you refused which only have two explanation, either you were promised with something far more precious or that you are an angel from heaven (then she smirked and said) and I see no angels in this room

Anika sit straight and said

Anika: what if I told you that I have no interest in what you can offer and I only want justice for Shivaay and Surbhi I want justice for the girl that her blood still on your hand

Gauri eyes widened and pressed her ear on the door harder as Kamini said angrily

Kamini: I will say that you are a fool, you know that whatever Shivaay promised you he would never fulfill and it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out what an orphan girl like you wishes, it is something consider your family isn't it?

Anika took a deep breath and looked the other way as Kamini smirked

Kamini: I thought so well here is my offer, I will find your family in exchange for the note (then she leaned towards Anika and said) it's not your war, girl .let me help you and get you away from all of these Shivaay don't love you he loves Surbhi his world revolves around her .

Anika with pain: and what is wrong in that? What they ever done to you? what Shivaay has done to you?

Kamini: you think it was easy for me to hurt him to do what I did to Surbhi? what I did to Shakti to Kundra and Aryan?

with word " Aryan " Gauri fall on her knees in front of the room as Kamini continued

Kamini: you know what they done to me? they destroyed my life and they took my heritage and gave it to Shivaay's mother I got my heart broken and I lived with a man who didn't leave a chance to pain me you don't understand the pain I am suffering but when you feel the pain of the whip on your back and find that the hand that is holding it is the hand that you thought it will sooth your pain you will understand why I did this

Anika leaned to her and said in low tone

Anika: and when you feel what is it means to see your loved one in pain you will understand what I am going to do to you

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