Chapter 150 " The enemy's protector" (1)

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Shivaay knocked faintly on the room's door, while holding a cup of hot tea and took a moment then he frowned

Shivaay strictly: it is my 3rd time knocking and you are not willing to open the door, so I am going to open the door in 3 seconds, I give you those seconds to open the door yourself.

He looked at his watch then he frowned faintly and got out of his pocket the key and unlocked the door then entered the dark room and was about to turn on the light but then he felt a cold knife on his neck, he rolled his eyes and frowned faintly.

Shivaay: it is me Hariom and I am not coming here to hurt you for sure!! If I wanted that I would have done it when you were engaged to my wife, so put the dinner knife that can't cut a piece of butter down and turn on the light and stop your hand from shivering before you take the hot tea.

Hrithik swallowed and held on his Shivering hand that was holding the knife with the other and put the knife down and on the shelf then turned on the light.

Shivaay whispered: are you sure you are not related to Anika?

Hrithik: you could have come earlier than after midnight and said "I am Gulab "when you knocked and didn't threaten me to open the door!!

Shivaay confused: what you mean threatened you?!! I ask you to open the door normally and nicely.

Hrithik: that is your nice way of asking?!! And Surbhi calls me arrogant!!! I will never understand the relation between you two!!

And he took the tea cup and locked the door back; Shivaay covered his lips and nose in disgust seeing the messy room with the dirty clothes and leftover food everywhere.

Shivaay: I really wish if I didn't ask you to turn on the light.

Hrithik: yeah, sorry for the mess, it is been 3 days since it got cleaned and I don't clean or pickup clothes from the floor.

And he cleared a chair for Shivaay from the clothes and Shivaay looked at it making sure it is clean, then he sat on it carefully

Shivaay: it is been 3 days since it got cleaned because you are not letting anyone enter or you getting out since the damn Party (then he frowned ) you seriously think that anyone here is going to hurt you Hariom?

Hrithik nodded yes hard and said with wide eyes ..

Hrithik: I am sure of it, and Prince Pratap is as sure, that is why he did this to me because I tried to ruin his relation with his last daughter (then he swallowed ) you just don't understand or imagine what happens between the walls of palaces, I saw it and lived it, we have our own laws for a reason Shivaay !! because the commoners and their law won't understand what is important for us or what we can do to protect it and I am now the heir of everything, the palace and everything they own, and even if I was to marry the last daughter like Prince Pratap thinks, it will be my name written in our royal history as the owner of the throne and our children will be proud of my name not anyone's else and Arjun's line name will be just couple of lines but I won't even marry his last daughter.

(Then he hugged the cup of the tea between his hand and looked at it skipping Shivaay's angry frown )

Hrithik: or any of his daughters, I am the enemy, son of Hiran who came to take their money, what you think they will do with me to protect themselves?!!!! (Then he smiled ) and who will believe that I am not tempted with such heritage and honor?!!

Shivaay: aren't you?

Hrithik smile vanished: see? Even you don't trust me

Shivaay: actually I do trust you, listen carefully to me, I am your guard aren't I?

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