Chapter 54 " A light Punishment"

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Kamini got out of a bus and looked at the big mansion that almost look like a palace where the black old limo waiting in front of it with Arjun in it and the minute she went near the palace that she dreamed for long to enter as his bride he smiled and come down the car and said .

Arjun: you didn't come at 11 as you promised?

Kamini smiled and said: I was visiting my son for some family stuff (then she smiled and said) so why you send me to meet you here?

Arjun presented his hand to her and she put her hand on his hand as he said

Arjun: remember the first time you came to this palace?

Kamini smiled and said: yes, I came with Jhanvi after school and I found out that my favorite teacher is her father (then she smiled and said) and the person I fall in love with

Arjun smiled and signaled to the gate then he walked with her to enter the palace and she couldn't think of the reason of how welcoming and calm he is, but she couldn't help her imagination of being the mistress of this palace, the one who gives orders not take orders, of being someone she never could be in her family, maybe that is why he brought her here Maybe her dream can come true

They entered the beautiful palace and she couldn't help looking at its beauty and touch with her hand the golden furniture, till they stood in front of an empty throne and he smiled to her and said

Arjun: here where my father used to sit, that should have been for Jhanvi and her elder child after her But I can't have that, can I? Now I can't find her (then he looked at Kamini and said) maybe she is really dead? Maybe I was imagining her

Kamini patted on his hand and said: I am sorry

Arjun laughed a scary laugh and Kamini face went pale and she said

Kamini: maybe I should go !!

Arjun: do you remember the last time you came to this place?

Kamini's eyes widened and swallowed and shook her head hard in fear as he said while pulling her hand towards the stairs

Arjun: you came here and sit under my father feet and told him about my daughter crime and her mud blood child and when they will be out of the mansion, and my father took my daughter downstairs like I am doing now

Kamini kept struggling in fear but she couldn't free herself from his strong grip as he continued

Arjun: and throw her and her daughter in the dungeon

Kamini screamed and gasped as he reached to a big grey room under ground with many cells and signaled a guard to open the first one where Kamini's eyes widened seeing its grey rock ground filled with dry straw

Arjun: a room just likes this one for her execution

and he throw her inside and the guard closed the metal bars door and Kamini screamed and shivered in fear and held on the bars as Arjun held one of the fire torches and said

Arjun: you remember your science lessons, Mrs. Singh Oberoi? Lesson number one, what happens to the human body if you mix dry straw and fire and put it in a closed metal room?

Kamini's tears flowed hard and held on the bars and screamed


Arjun chuckled and said: no one will move from the guards and no one can hear you from my family, this room designed so no one can hear the screams of its prisoner

Kamini sobbed and said: Arjun please Please why are you doing this? .(then she sobbed harder and said) I don't want to die I don't

Arjun: my daughter didn't want to die too So did Surbhi and Sardar But they died, aren't they?

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