Chapter 83" Wake up(1)"

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Kate entered the palace in slow numb steps as tears streamed on her face uncontrollably and her hand tightened in itself and shivered

The scene of Anika's body hitting the windshield and the smell of her blood that smudged the broken glass of her car still playing in her head and repeating itself over and over with no hope to stop

How horrible the scene was, absolutely can't be described and her mind can't handle the idea that with her hand she killed that girl, she whimpered in pain and walked with fast steps towards the terrace but in her way her eyes fall on the throne and she stopped frozen in front the gold chair. Suddenly all the pain disappeared when she remembered the reason she did this in the first step.

She climbed the two marble steps and caressed the golden throne and sigh in relief

"If I have a heart then this where my heart belongs, wake up Kate you did the right thing, this girl should have been dead from years "she reminded herself

, imagining Arnav sitting on it and she standing by his side, equaled as their queen, heads bowed to her and this ultimate power of the rulers in a time and place that it ceased to exist and this endless fortune owned by those people who their past is their present, will be hers

No she did nothing wrong, that destiny is not meant for Surbhi in the first place, she was sentenced to death and she just carried out the sentence, if anything, she just did justice to herself and her family

She smiled faintly and touched the chair again with a faint smile of relief and turned towards the stairs and climbed them in steady steps as few maids met her in the way and bowed their heads and she didn't care to look at them while going towards Malika's room and knocked slowly

(Come in Princess Kate)

She entered only to find Malika sitting in front of Arjun and both playing chess, so she smiled and just sat in front of them

Kate: good morning papa, Princess

And she looked Adele and said

Kate: Adele, if the Princess don't need you, you may go clean my car in the garage since the driver is not here to do so

Adele looked at Malika who signaled with her finger and she left the room as Arjun leaned backward on his chair proudly

Arjun: and here it goes another pawn (then he chuckled and said) good morning Kate, you woke up so early, good for you

Kate just bowed her head then looked at Malika and said

Kate: I came to wish you a good morning Malika

Malika smiled and said: good morning to you, Princess Wait for me, I am about to finish

Kate nodded faintly as Arjun flicked another piece and Malika moaned

Malika shook her head and said: oh it not fair, grandpa I will never win ever

Arjun chuckled and said: don't be hard on yourself, no one ever wins with me sweetheart, not even your father

Suddenly the door opened wide and Kate flinched as Omkara went in with pale face and said


Malika eyes widen and stood as Omkara looked at Arjun who was looking at him confused and Kate who swallowed and said

Kate: I will just go

Kate went out of the door as Omkara looked at Arjun who looked at him and said

Arjun: speak, Prince

He looked at Malika with wide eyes then said

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