Chapter 64" The Envelopes"

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The next morning

Anika opened her eyes getting awake of her deep sleep, only to see in front of her eyes an orange teddy bear that moving from side to side She chuckled and said

Anika: Good morning, Mr. Carrot

Shivaay looked at her from behind the bear with wide smile and said

Shivaay: good morning, kitty we are going home

Anika chuckled happily and clapped a silent clap as Shivaay carried her and for her surprise put her in the shopping cart that was now covered with roses, she chuckled as he put the bear with her

Anika: oh god, when you did that?

Shivaay: oh so what you thought I did for four hours in home

Anika smiled but then reached for her head only to find the red ribbon wrapped around her head as her hair open, so she without thinking twice pulled it off her head as if it snake over her head and threw it away in disgust and Shivaay groaned and took it and put it in her bag as she frowned to him

Anika: Shivu, you untied it and then tied it to my head?

Shivaay: because it looks so beautiful on you beside I tied it and untied it and brushed your hair and moved your head everywhere and you continued sleeping there was no hope of waking your stubborn head anyway

Anika chuckled as Shivaay pushed the cart out of the room and everyone in the hospital looked amused as Anika and Shivaay both couldn't care less and Anika was just enjoying his antics that as he rode with her the elevator then pushed her with the cart out of the hospital till they reached to his car that was also covered with red roses and Anika chuckled and said

Anika: why all this, Shivaay? I wasn't that sick or that long away?

Shivaay smiled and whispered: it's me just saying " welcome back, Surbhi "

Anika smile lessen and held on her Surbhi necklace that was hiding under her dress and nodded as he carried her off the cart and put her in the back couch of the car where Gauri was already waiting with wide lost eyes but seeing Anika she forced a smile and said

Gauri: welcome back !!

Anika smiled and hugged Mr. Carrot as Shivaay for her surprise sit beside her and took her in his arm as the driver drove his car for the first time when he was riding in it

Anika: you didn't drive because you are sick?

Shivaay: I didn't drive because I can't drive and hug you in the same time

Gauri smiled as Anika sighed and leaned on his chest as he pressed his lips on her hair and they kept like that till they reached to the mansion where everyone standing on the gate that was covered with balloons of " get well soon " and " welcome back " and roses

Anika chuckled happily as Shivaay got out of the car then carried Anika on his arms and Jhanvi ran to her and kissed her hand and Anika held her hand tight

Anika: it was just one night, ma'am

Jhanvi held her hand tight as Ragini and Kamini forced a smile on their lips and Anika nodded to them and Shivaay stood in front of the mansion signaled by his finger up, and that is when Anika noticed Soumya and Rudra who were standing on the roof and a huge sign rolled down with words

" Welcome back, Anika ."

Anika chuckled and bend her head politely as Shivaay said

Shivaay: breakfast?

Anika nodded and said: starving

Shivaay carried her till the dinner table and put her on the chair as everyone stood beside his own chair including Shivaay then signaled to everyone to sit as Soumya and Rudra came running down and stood beside their chairs too and Shivaay signaled them to sit then ordered the maids to serve the breakfast and they served the covered plates and Anika uncovered her plate expecting toast and butter but instead it was

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