Chapter 52 " Being Surbhi"

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Gauri opened her room slightly and looked out at the empty hall that was not supposed to be that empty at the time of the morning gathering She looked at her watch then looked at every room in the house till her eyes fall on Shivaay's room that was closed

She went towards Rudra's room and knocked continuously

Gauri: Rudra bhai wake up, Rudra bhai

Rudra opened the door while Gauri looked at him then looked inside his room and he closed his room door quickly after getting out of it

Rudra: what? Why are you looking inside my room?

Gauri: I thought I saw ...

Rudra interrupted: no, you are imagining that, what you want?

Gauri: Shivaay bhai there is no morning gathering is he sick or

Rudra quickly: Shivaay bhai don't get sick, Maybe he is out

Gauri took a breath in relief and said: thank god I was worried (then her eyes widened and said)what about Anika do you know if she is okay?

Rudra looked at her confused and said

Rudra: I don't know, I didn't see her from after the party

Gauri interrupted sadly: oh god, I shouldn't have asked her to do this for me She was so scared and adding to that the picture that for sure broke her heart, god she must be so miserable (then she looked down and said) and all because of me

Rudra: why?, Gauri what is going on?

Gauri: Kamini, She....

but she stopped hearing sound of glass breaking in Rudra's room, her eyes widened and flinched but Rudra put his hand on her mouth and said

Rudra: Its Mr. pickles She is in my room (Then he swallowed and said) go to Bhabhi, Gauri Go make sure she is okay

And he pushed her softly towards her room and entered his room quickly and closed the door behind as Gauri looked at the door confused and whispered to herself

Gauri: what is wrong with this house today?

Suddenly Kamini room got opened like a storm and Kamini came of it quickly and Gauri flinched seeing her and said without thinking

Gauri: you came back?

Kamini looked at her with raised eye brow as Gauri swallowed and said

Gauri: I mean when?

Kamini: did Anika enter my room when I wasn't home?

Gauri shook her head hard and said while her body trembled nervously

Gauri: NOOO me, Shivaay bhai and Rudra bhai were celebrating my birthday in the wooden house with Anika and aunty Jhanvi we went straight to bed after and no one did anything

Kamini nodded and looked at Ragini 's room then got near Gauri but for her surprise Gauri flinched and took a step back, and Kamini looked at her surprised as Gauri swallowed and couldn't think of explanation for her action so she just nervously changed the subject by saying

Gauri quickly: Shivaay bhai bought this earrings for me (and she held her earlobe ) do you like them?

Kamini ignored her and was about to enter her room but then her mobile rang with incoming message and she looked at it Then locked the door of her room and said

Kamini: if someone asked, I am going to take my hour out of the mansion now

Gauri: you can't do that

Kamini's eyes widened and looked at Gauri with a scary look that Gauri took a step back and said

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