Chapter 132 " She will never forgive me"

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Hrithik: Shivaay stop !!

Shivaay looked at him shocked as Hrithik held his shoulder and looked at him angrily.

Hrithik: so you are really Shivaay Singh Oberoi, you are the man Surbhi loved .

Shivaay looked at him for a moment trying to hold back his tears then he turned and walked away in rushed angry steps but Hrithik pulled him back to turn and face him

Hrithik: you are the man Surbhi was willing to Sacrifice her life for. The man she kept repeating his name and fought Prince Pratap and the coward Abdul for

Shivaay angrily: yes it is me, I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi, I am Surbhi's husband, do whatever you want to me but after I bring Abdul under her feet first and nothing will stop me from doing this

Hrithik: you are the man she worked for as a servant, that wealthy Powerful man who wasn't powerful enough to stand in front of Pratap and was forced to let her go. But you didn't anyway, you kept holding her hand, you kept fighting and sacrificed everything for her and didn't give up on her

Shivaay frown lessened and looked at Hrithik a bit confused

Hrithik frowned: but now you gave up, now you just want to end this great love like that? You want to lose your life and make her suffer, is having your right from Abdul really worth it?

Shivaay: you just don't know anything, what you just said in a sentence Surbhi lived all her young life, since she was five years old she is suffering for me and I do nothing

Hrithik looked at him shocked, since " she was five? !!" he thought but couldn't ask any questions

Hrithik: and you can't do anything now, I won't let you, listen I know I am the last person you want to look at or listen too ...

Shivaay nodded and Hrithik ignored and continued

Hrithik: even though, you have to believe me Surbhi right will come, but not like that, not when you are that angry and can't think straight and not when she is begging you to stop and asking me to bring you back. Not now Shivaay, now Gulab has to return back to the palace and be there for the Princess and Shivaay has to be there for his wife and if you walked another step away from the palace and did what you want to do, you will regret it for the rest of your life, which will probably not be much

Shivaay: why are you doing that? And why should I trust you? You can be part of the trap and I can get in the palace now and find your Guards waiting for you

Hrithik smiled: I don't know why you should, I supposed to be your enemy, but Surbhi does trust me on you. I think no one cares for you more than her and that makes me trustworthy beside I don't believe it matters for you anyway, if it is trap or I am being honest, at the end Surbhi is there behind this gate and begging you not to leave ! And if I know anything about you, you are not able to ignore her call, so why would I be lucky now?

Shivaay looked at him for a moment then walked towards the palace, Hrithik smiled widely walked behind him

Hrithik smiled: So since everything clear now, I guess you can admit you stole the rings to stop the engagement, didn't you?
Shivaay: I didn't steal your rings, Prince

Hrithik smile vanished and frowned as they both entered the palace only for their shock to see Anika walking weakly towards the gate

Hrithik: apparently she doesn't trust you enough to listen to me

Both ran towards Anika and Shivaay eyes widened as she fell before she can reach him, Shivaay ran fast towards her and sat on the ground and picked her up

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