Chapter 135 " Dark Gold"

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Shivaay opened the curtains of his room in the wooden house, then sat on his knees beside his bed and kissed Anika's lips, she smiled faintly and held on his hand kissed it but kept her eyes closed

Shivaay whispered: kitty wake up it is morning already and I am awake from hours

Anika whispered: 10 more minutes

Then she kissed his hand again and pulled it to her chest and Shivaay smiled

Shivaay: fine but just 10 more minutes

Anika nodded faintly and he was to walk away but Anika kept holding on his hand, he looked at her with wide eyes as she smiled

Anika: I didn't say you can take it, leave it, you go !!

Shivaay raised his eyebrows: now you are wasting your 10 minutes respectable Mrs., now they are 9 minutes and don't think I will give you an extra minute. Time is something you should respect.

Anika smiled: oh I forgot that I am Talking to Mr. Shivaay (then she said teasingly) I will be ready for the morning gathering after my 9 minutes

Shivaay smiled half a smile and Anika opened her eyes faintly and looked at his eyes that got lost and the faint smile on his lips then when he noticed her he smiled widely and looked at her

Shivaay: now you wasted those too

And he pulled her off the bed and on his back and she chuckled and hugged his neck and kissed it, he chuckled and went with her to the bathroom and she hid her face on his shoulder and said in childish tone teasingly

Anika: I don't want to return to the palace now

Shivaay smile vanished and said in low tone ..

Shivaay: I don't want you to go too, especially to meet his family

Anika opened her eyes fully then she put her chin on Shivaay's shoulder..

Anika: yes Hariom's family is coming I forgot about that

Shivaay: be careful, Prince Arjun said they are strict and narrow minded, they care only about the royal blood, so they might treat you badly

Anika: don't worry I know how they think of me, Hariom's father was speaking about my father in a very condescending way but I gave him a piece of my mind, I am glad that Hariom is different than him

Shivaay frowned: he is not that different

Anika chuckled and Shivaay ignored that and put her down and she took her nightgown off, entered the tub and turned on the shower, Shivaay leaned on the wall opposite to her.

Shivaay: I keep thinking if you were in their palace as their daughter in law, what would have they did to you and how would they have treated you and how come your grandfather agreed on this, I feel so angry...

Anika: you care what would have happened to me if I betrayed you and married someone else?!

Shivaay looked the other way then he smiled and looked back at her

Shivaay: but you are my wife now and you are happy with me, right?

Anika smiled widely: so happy and so proud of you Shivaay especially after yesterday

Shivaay smiled widely: why what I did?

Anika: I know that you are the one who told uncle to call the police about Abdul and I know why you did that, because you didn't want my family to punish him, you knew that they won't show mercy and you are merciful person even on your enemies, you are that kind

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