Chapter 103 " Chain reaction" (2)

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Shivaay and Anika sat under the tree and took their breath as both were drenched and Shivaay took off his cheap green watch and shook it to get the water out and neared it from his ear

Shivaay: damn it, the water broke it, it stopped working

Anika smiled widely and said: ha? You got the gift of time back, you are so lucky

Shivaay rolled his eyes and put it beside him as Anika smiled while squeezing on her braid and getting the water out.

Anika: you want to hear something funny?

Shivaay smiled and looked at her and nodded as Anika said

Anika: I think those naughty kids are my brothers, they were wearing orange right? We come here on Sunday and wear orange so we will be recognized to the caregivers, I have 5 different sizes of children orange T-shirts and from all places you brought me here on Sunday

Shivaay smiled a shivery smile as Anika looked at him and smiled faintly

Anika: it is not that funny for you ha? Never mind

Shivaay held his book and moaned: Argghhh it is all wet too

Anika: leave it to dry then so you won't damage it (then she bent her head and said) although books should die anyway

Shivaay raised his both eyebrows to her as Anika nodded and said

Anika: what is this book anyway?

Shivaay: chemistry book, I picked it up while we were coming here just to read something while you sleeping

Anika in disgust: eww, chemistry and chain reactions and all the weird names and symbols, I hate chemistry.

Shivaay chuckled and said: you hate chemistry kitty or don't understand it?

Anika smiled and shyly and said: it is just so hard to understand and memorize, I never get it (then she said) do you get?

Shivaay smiled and said: yes and I will explain it to you but listen carefully, for example let's start with what you mentioned, a chain reaction, chain reaction is a process in which the products themselves promote or spread the reaction, for example the self-sustaining fission reaction spread by neutrons which occurs in nuclear reactors and bombs, is a chain reaction, the explosion is a result of chain reaction when elements.. ...

And he stopped and frowned as Anika was looking in her bag then pulled a chips bag and opened it and smiled widely and took one then her hand stopped in air then presented to him

Shivaay: what I was saying, Anika?

Anika looked at him with wide eyes and said: words?!!!

Shivaay closed his eyes as she put the chip in her mouth and with first crunch Shivaay looked at her with a frown and she stopped chewing then chew again and her eyes widened with next crunch

Shivaay: as I was saying it is just like history, a series of action the previous one cause the next, for example if I hit my head in the tree right now, it is because your previous action drove me mad and probably your next will drive me more mad .

Anika looked at him with wide eyes then chewed again and with crunch Shivaay groaned as Anika closed her eyes hard

Anika: I wonder if I drive you crazy like that why you love me (then she frowned and said) if you think you can change me then forget it, I don't change what you have is what you get

Shivaay looked at her with a frown and said: I won't change anything about you, I love you like that

Anika smiled and said: oh you mean I am just perfect like that?

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