Chapter 65 " Welcome back, Surbhi"

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Shivaay felt numb reading the name Surbhi and looked at everyone as everyone went towards the envelope of the name of a person who belongs to except Gauri who wasn't really moving or even blinking as Anika was standing between Shivaay and Jhanvi, as Jhanvi was standing in front of the room and didn't move and Shivaay was holding the envelopes

so she just ran towards Ragini who was sitting on the floor with shocked eyes and reading the papers, the minute Anika's eyes fall on the papers she recognized them

it was copy of Kamini's diary

Anika gasped and ran towards Shivaay and hugged his arms as he read the part of the diary belongs to (Surbhi )with widened eyes and his body tensioned as Anika swallowed and whispered to Shivaay

Anika: I am okay nothing happened to me

Shivaay's eyes widened as a tear from it fall on the papers and he whispered

Shivaay: she killed you, Surbhi

Anika shook her head hard as Shivaay threw the papers on the floor and ran downstairs and Anika without thinking ran behind him as Gauri ran as well behind him but before she go she stood in the beginning of the hall and looked at Rudra as he was crying holding the papers then he looked at Gauri

Rudra: Kamini was the one who wanted to prison our parents, Gauri she tortured them till they didn't find a way out but death

Gauri looked at him with teary eyes then looked at Jhanvi who was in so much fear to even touch the envelope with the name (Sardar) and just sitting beside it shivering and shaking her head

and suddenly she felt great guilt take over her feeling of anger and vengeance she is the one who stole the diary from Shivaay's office room and she made the copies and put their loved ones pain in front of their eyes, she wanted them to know the truth of Kamini but in what price !!!

Gauri ran down stairs behind Shivaay who ran towards the office room like a maniac and opened the office room and started searching everywhere, breaking everything that meet his hand then he screamed as his tears flow


Anika's eyes widened and looked at Gauri who was standing with teary eyes and looking down and Anika shook her head to her as tears started to flow from her eyes seeing Shivaay tears that was flowing from his red angry eyes, he kept throwing things till his eyes met Anika's eyes and he looked at her with wide eyes and then screamed in pain and Anika closed her ears and collapse on the floor as tears flow more on her cheek and said

Anika: your pain is killing me, please I can't handle such pain

Shivaay looked at her with wide teary eyes and then sat on the floor beside her and hugged her tight and said

Shivaay: I am sorry Surbhi, I am sorry

Anika shook her head then said

Anika: I don't want you sorry, I want you okay

Shivaay shook his head and said with wide teary eyes

Shivaay: separating us wasn't enough for her Surbhi, she wanted you dead the injustice that happened towards you was because of her

Gauri looked at them with teary shocked eyes and said

Gauri: why he calls you Surbhi, Anika?

Anika looked at her with teary eyes and screamed


Gauri covered her lips and sobbed and ran from there as Anika held Shivaay's shoulders and said

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