Chapter 31 " Finding Jhanvi"

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 in the orphanage

In great ma's office

Soumya: great ma please, it's my fault he was just worried about me that is why he came


Rudra: I didn't come again I just didn't leave

Soumya poked his arm with her elbow as great ma eyes widened

Great ma: please tell me you spend the night in the boys room

Rudra shook his head faintly and said: I didn't

Great ma covered her lips in shock as Rudra said quickly

Rudra: I spend it in the garden; I swear the girls chased me with an onion

Great ma took a deep breath in relief and said

Great: thank god, (then she said angrily) listen young man

But she got interrupted by her assistant knocking and carrying huge boxes

assistant: great ma, here is the files of 2005 and 2006 we have about 1000 files for 1000 children admitted in those 2 years only

Great ma looked at her huge agenda and then looked at the boxes and shook her head sadly

Great ma: I admitted more than 1000 children there should be at least 1540 where is the rest of the files?

The assistant took a moment then said in panic

The assistant: OH GOD, MA; I remember there is some boxes got ruined from the pipes break in the basement room 2 years ago and we moved the boxes after that to the storage room!! Maybe the other 540 were in one of those boxes!!

Great ma: god, my only hope that Anika's file wouldn't be from those files the poor girl I don't know why this happening with her first I let her stuff get stolen and then this !!!!(Then she looked at her assistant) if I disappointed her again then how can I let her call me (great ma)? How can I deserve to be called her mother when I ruin every chance for her to return back home

Soumya closed her eyes in pain as Rudra looked at her sadly then squeezed on her hand and she looked at him as his eyes told her (we will get through this. I really care for you)

The assistants: great ma hopefully we will find it in here I will stay with you the whole day and we will finish by the evening all the files

Great ma: you are so optimistic dear its 1000 files and it's only the two of us (then she looked at Soumya and Rudra and smirked) I mean the four of us well that will sure teach the young man a good lesson

Rudra eyes widened and shook his head: NO, I have to go home now you don't have to teach me any lessons

Soumya: great ma, do you mean me too??

Great ma: sweet heart, especially you!! You said it's your fault ha??? Ok then I want this file organized alphabetic boys in a side and girls in the other and when you find any (A) do tell me (then she signaled to the assistant ) bring them two glasses of milk and put two extra spoons of sugar in them they will need energy

Rudra smiled and said to the assistant: beautiful, please don't exhaust yourself I am going to get the milk instead I can't imagine those beautiful hands carrying a tray

The assistant raised her eye brow and shook her head in disbelief then went to her way and he was about to go behind her but Soumya angrily pulled his shirt collar to stop him and said

Soumya: great ma we want to be punished, in fact he deserve punishment more than me make him suffer!!

Rudra eyes widened in shock and said: sugar, it's me your amore!!

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