Chapter 45 " Maybe Shivaay Not A monster After all"

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In the mansion

Kamini held her breath seeing Arjun and went towards the gate and said in worried tone

Kamini: what are you doing here? You can't be here!!

Arjun: don't worry I didn't come to hurt you, I just came to see where my daughter lived Now are you going to let me in? Or shall I wait for your family to let me in?

Kamini looked at him with wide eyes and swallowed then she signaled to the guards to let him in and he entered and looked with sarcastic smile to the mansion

Arjun: your house is nice (then he smirked and said) small and cozy

Kamini took a deep breath and forced on her lips a smirk and said

Kamini: it's not as big as your palace but in this mansion a princess lived as a servant

Arjun eyes widened and he put his hand on her neck but stopped when he saw the guards panicking and putting their hands on their guns and willing to interfere, but Kamini stopped them by her hand and Arjun left her neck

Kamini: this house saved your daughter and granddaughter for 4 years and now it's saving me And remember that if it wasn't for me You wouldn't have seen Jhanvi again and saved her from this shame she brought you by marring Sardar and having his mud blood daughter.(then she said in pleading tone) now I beg you Leave !

Arjun strictly: listen carefully Kamini. I know my daughter is not here But I am sure that there is something you hiding consider her (then he neared his face from her and said) maybe I can't hurt you behind your guards But you have to come out one day (then he smirked and said) beside You have a son out of this mansion aren't you? (Then he raised an eyes brow and said) what is his name? Raja?

Kamini eyes widened and felt her body shiver as he added

Arjun: I killed my own granddaughter just because her existence hurt my Jhanvi now my Jhanvi is alive I am sure of that and I don't think It will be harder for me to kill anyone else who hurt her or willing to hurt her You still remember how I like my coffee, don't you?

Kamini swallowed as Arjun smirked But as he turns he saw the wooden house and his smile vanished and this furious scary look that turns warm blood to cold water inside Kamini veins showed on his features

Arjun: This is the house? This the Gardener's house?

And he went towards the small house and touched it with his hand and then climbed the two steps and looked through the glass

Arjun: there is noise coming from inside Is someone living in this house?

Kamini said in low tone numbly: workers are doing some fixing, so that it will be suitable for the new Gardener's family

Arjun nodded and said in a lower tone

Arjun: till today, I am not able to believe my daughter did this to us (then he looked at Kamini and said) she was your friend, tell me how she was thinking? How can she give up everything she has for this Gardener boy? And live in this house (then he looked at Kamini with disgust) and serve you, when you are not good enough to walk on the same floor she touched by her shoes (Then he frowned and said) what I was thinking when I made you enter my life? My daughter's life?

Kamini swallowed and said

Kamini: there is no reason for such hurtful words Please You have to leave I don't want to have to explain it to my nephew He is a monster and breaking his rules is...

Arjun interrupted: excellent !! then perhaps we should meet

After 30 minutes in the park

Jhanvi leaned her head on Gauri's shoulder holding in her hands the balloons she bought for her little Surbhi and the toys as Gauri was as well sleeping on Jhanvi shoulder and Rudra leaning on Jhanvi lap

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