Chapter 153 " The Enemy's Protector" (4)

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At night

On the dinner table it was absolutely silent except of the sound of knives and forks, eyes were skipped and it was only Anika who was not looking at her plate or at her book that never left her sight and was looking at Shivaay who was standing on the corner of the room with Zaheer and couple of Pratap's Guards, and near Hiran and his family on the table, "how come he is facing them with no care after what happened and isn't preparing his suitcase to go?"

Anika signaled to Ragini who was standing behind her and bowed towards her

Anika whispered: tell Gulab the last daughter gives you the permission to go back to your wooden house.

Ragini went towards Shivaay and whispered to him and Shivaay looked at Anika, she frowned to him and shook her head, and he whispered to Ragini who rolled her eyes then went towards Anika and whispered to her.

Anika angrily: what you mean "NO "?!!!!

Everyone looked at her as her eyes widened and she opened her book, looked it then she smiled to everyone staring at her.

Anika: dinner is so fun isn't it?

Ragini smiled and turned Anika's book upright as it was upside down, Anika looked at her with wide eyes then she put the book down back

Sona: Princess Surbhi, I am glad you are safe and well

Anika smiled: thanks

Pratap in low tone: it was a false alarm, thank god for that

Sardar: although a very strange coincidence happened and men fought with the taxi driver she was riding with but the Princess was untouched thank god

Sona: really?!!(then she smiled ) thank god Guard Gulab got worried seeing her getting out of the palace in commoner's ride, well done Gulab

Shivaay bowed his head faintly as a thanking gesture and Arjun looked at Pratap who was frowning faintly as Sona continued.

Sona: but you should not ride a commoner's ride again, you are a Princess now, your commoner past in the orphanage and that barbaric way of living you were raised on, you should forget, for your own good

Sardar frowned: well that "barbaric "way ...

Anika interrupted with a smile: okay, Princess Sona

Sardar frowned to Anika who skipped his eyes then she looked at Shivaay who looked the other way frowning then she said

Anika: I am done with my dinner may I go for a walk till dessert come

Pratap nodded as Anika took her book with her, gave it to Ragini then walked with her away and Zaheer her Guard followed her, Shivaay looked at her going then looked at Dahab and she nod a barely visible nod.

Dahab: can I go with the Princess papa?

Hiran nodded faintly as Dahab ran behind Anika and held her hand and Shivaay followed her as her guard, then reaching to the Garden...

Dahab: I will really go for a walk near you

Zaheer: I will Guard the Princess

Both looked at Ragini who frowned and rolled her eyes

Ragini: I guess I will go Pretend to do something too

And Zaheer walked behind Dahab and Ragini, as Shivaay walked behind Anika, till they reach to the dove's cage and she looked at the white sheet covering the cage and looked at Shivaay

Shivaay: it is cold for them, so I covered it but don't worry I choose it to pass enough light but hides from sight.

Anika smiled then entered and Shivaay behind her, and he hugged her back pulling her to his chest, Anika in low tone

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