Chapter 144 " The Perfect Lie "(3)

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Lakshmi went towards Jhanvi's room and her door was open. But she stopped shocked seeing Angelie sitting inside with Jhanvi, so she stood beside the door without entering and hiding from their sight.

Angelie: .. I just wish if you understand that Hrithik isn't like his father, none of my children are. They don't deserve from you to let them be treated with so much hatred from everyone in the palace, and as for Hiran and what he did with Surbhi, he promised me he didn't mean any harm for her and he will never do...

Jhanvi frowned: I know Prince Hiran very well, I saw before how much he hurt people with no care if it will make him reach to what he wants, I remember how he used to sit under my grandfather's feet and convince him to make my father lock me in the dungeon and hurt me so I marry the English Prince and I know he didn't do that for the sake of my family wellbeing and his loyalty to the royal community like he used to say, it is because I told him I will never marry the Prince no matter what and trusted him, but all what he did is to make my father helpless in front of his father and move him from his way to the money and our throne.

Angelie kept looking down and shook her head

Angelie: I can't believe that, don't speak this way about my husband, please

Jhanvi: you know that is your husband and that I am not lying, but you are, that is why you can't look at my eyes and looking at your feet instead, because you are ashamed that this is the man you love.

Angelie tears crowded in her eyes and Lakshmi sighed in pain and looked at her wedding ring.

Jhanvi: he can do anything to get what he wants, what you all want and came to my palace for, the money. And you are no different than him nor your children and if I knew Prince Hariom or Hrithik or whatever you call him, was Hiran's son when my daughter introduced him to me, I would have never agreed to look at his face.

Angelie: no Hrithik really loves Surbhi, I know...

Jhanvi angrily: I am the last daughter of Padmani, Princess Jhanvi and if your husband or your son came near my daughter again, I will make him understand what this title means in the royal community, now get out of my room, OUT.

Angelie looked at Jhanvi with teary eyes then rushed out sobbing and didn't even stand for seeing Lakshmi and Jhanvi kept frowning but when Lakshmi entered her frown vanished and she stood.

Jhanvi: ma, my son loves me, he is wearing the bracelet you made for him always and never takes it off, never

Lakshmi smiled: I am happy dear, what Princess Angelie wanted from you.

Jhanvi smile vanished: she wanted to lie to me; she told me to fix Surbhi's relation with Prince Hariom and my family because he is good and loves Surbhi. she saw him so sad and think we treat him bad (then she tilted her head ) She called him Hrithik although his name is Hariom, I tried to correct her but she just said his name is Hrithik and frowned, I don't know why she did this !!!(Then she shook her head) this family is so weird, Ma.

Lakshmi: yes sweetheart they are. But you were so harsh on her, I never saw you like that. Jhanvi sweetheart you remember that you are not the last daughter anymore right? You don't have much power than her.

Jhanvi: yes I forget but no I have more than her because I am the mother of the last daughter and I mean everything I say, don't feel bad for her ma. She loves a very bad man then she is a bad woman.

Lakshmi: I used to think I love a very bad man, I was suffering not able to hate him or even love him less (then she smiled) I used to see in him my whole life and the good man he used to be. And see my Arnav in his feature and you (then she smiled sarcastically (and he didn't even love me like Hiran loves Angelie.

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