Chapter 43 " We are going out"

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After minutes

In the mansion

Anika ran towards Rudra's room and kept knocking as hard as she can


Rudra opened his room door and looked at Anika with sleepy eyes then yawned

Rudra: hey Bhabhi .(then he frowned and said) who wakes up someone like that?

Anika smiled and said: good morning, sorry but there is something I really want to tell you about

Rudra: good morning can you just take around then comeback after an hour or so

Anika tightened her eyes and said: I am not coming to sell milk, Mr. Rudra (Then she took a deep breath and said) I want to tell you and Gauri something really important

Rudra rubbed his eyes then he left her and leaned on his bed and closed his eyes as Anika eyes widened

Anika: Rudra !!! You idiot You are going to sleep when I am saying there is something important

Rudra: Bhabhi, you are my best friend and I know you it's never important You just like to talk (Then he smiled while his eyes closed) talkative Bhabhi

Anika tightened her eyes and said: fine You sleep (then she smirked and said) I will just tell Gauri that I finally remember my name

Rudra eyes widened and sit straight: really? Did you tell Shivaay bhai?

Anika shook her head and said: he actually didn't ask again And I don't think he want to know more and I am not comfortable to tell him about (then she said in low tone) the boy (Then she took a deep breath ) I told him about the boy yesterday I think it got him uncomfortable and I am scared to lose him (Then she smiled faintly and said) and I can't lose Shivaay I can't take this

Rudra held his head and said: I don't understand is the boy after or before the orphanage?

Anika took a moment and said: I think it's before I am not really sure (then she shook her head and said) he must be before (then she closed her eyes and said) I am so confused

Rudra: let's go wake Gauri and you can explain further

Anika smiled and nodded and Rudra got out of his room then he knocked at Gauri's as hard as he could

Rudra: GAURI, Gauri WAKE UP

Gauri opened her room door with sleepy eyes and said

Gauri: hey bhai (then she frowned and said) who wakes someone like that?

Anika: I remember my name

Gauri eyes widened and opened her room door wide for Rudra and Anika who entered and sit on the bed

Rudra excited: you won't believe what is her name??? Tell her Bhabhi

Gauri eyes widened and said: what is your name? Is it Gauri too?

Anika took a deep breath and smiled widely: no its kitty

Rudra smile vanished and looked at Gauri who looked at Anika with half an open mouth then both just leaned on Gauri's bed and pulled the sheet over them as Anika looked at them shocked

Anika: what??? Why are you both going to sleep?!!!

Rudra: Bhabhi It's not a real name it's a pet name for cute little girls and definitely you was called with it from anyone in the orphanage but not your family because if I can guess about your" family" he is a very serious man that don't spoil or say pet names You get what I mean?

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