Chapter 60 " Ragini's fan"

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Ragini got out of the bathroom and after she wiped her tears and fixed her makeup she opened her room only to find the maids standing between her cloth that all now out of the wardrobe and on the floor so said


For her surprise Rudra came out of the pile of cloth and shook his head

Rudra: god, I survived I thought I will never get out of here (then he shook his head and said) god, you have a lot of crap (then he pouted and said sarcastically) seriously you will be so missed

Ragini angrily: Rudra, you bastard don't you think I don't know how happy you are that Shivaay did this to me

Rudra's eyes widened and said: how can I make it clearer that I am happy You want me to do a little dance because I am going to (then he shook his head and said) but I didn't come here to gloat I and Gauri were given the duty by Shivaay bhai (then he folded his hands ) god blesses him .

Ragini frowned as Rudra's eyes widened and said

Rudra: god, where is Gauri( then he screamed ) Gauri ?

Gauri came out of the pile of clothes and took a deep breath then she said

Gauri: she has 3 sizes from each dress; I knew she puts on weight like humans(then she smiled to Ragini and said) and you call me fat; Who is the fat now?

Ragini groaned and screamed


And she throws a vase to a wall and Rudra got out of the pile of the clothes running, as Gauri stretched her hand to him

Gauri: my brother Save me

Rudra stretched his hand to her and said

Rudra: oh my sister (then he smiled and said)you are on your own, heroine

And he ran out as Gauri looked at Ragini who was fuming and chuckled nervously

Gauri: I was kidding by saying you are fat

Ragini screamed: GET OUT

Gauri eyes widened and got out of the pile of the cloth running as Ragini sit on the bed and shook her head in disbelief then ran towards Shivaay room and knocked

Ragini: Shivaay? Shivaay, can we talk?(then she screamed as she knocked hard)SHIVAAY, YOU NEED TO HEAR ME, SHIVAAY

Kamini got out of the room with a smirk on her lips and said

Kamini: Shivaay is not here, he went out hours ago to check on the sick guest, and I saw he took his car I think his exact orders that when he comes, he doesn't want to see you here So you better be fast

Ragini shook her head and said: the jar was mine but I swear I didn't

Kamini: I know that Ragini, don't think I don't know that In fact I know who framed you

Ragini angrily: Anika right? She is the only one who has benefit of that

Kamini smiled and said: no, who did this, is me

Ragini eyes widened in disbelief as Kamini smirked and said

Kamini: I know you looked through my stuff, I know you tried to mess with me again Ragini

Ragini eyes widened and said: I swear I didn't, I

Kamini: shush, it's okay remember when I told you if you messed with me, I will make Shivaay kill you (then she smiled and said) I think Shivaay did killed you he is killing your career, your ego and your dream of being a member in the Singh Oberoi family are you anything more than that Ragini Kundra?

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