Chapter 168" The Other Side of the Story" (3)

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Meanwhile in the Palace

Roxana looked at Malika with a frown then she put her hand on Hrithik's cheek and made him look at her face.

Roxana: you love a girl that never saw you good enough for her? How can you accept that on yourself Hrithik.

Malika eyes widened and took a step back as Hrithik shook his head and closed his eyes

Hrithik: I don't, I can't.

Roxana: you are an amazing man Hrithik if Malika can't see that then she doesn't deserve your love; you deserve to be loved as I love you Hrithik; be seen like I always seen you and sacrificed for like I did for you.

Hrithik swallowed as Roxana smiled and put her head on his chest looking at towards Malika.

Roxana: I will never give up on you Hrithik; I will make you forget her and remember our love

Gauri pulled Malika before she storm in the tea room; and took her away

Malika: why you took me; someone should stop her, you see what she is doing to him; she is taking advantage of what he gone through to take him to her side

Gauri whispered: and she is doing that pretty good; she looks like the innocent girl in your love story and you look like the proud arrogant girl that doesn't deserve his love.

Malika sighed: maybe it is true; you heard her story and you know mine; what I did with Hrithik he will never forgive even if I regret it and love him and he loves me back; but she loves him and sacrificed for him and he once was in love with her too, he can fall for her again (then she shook her head) I don't have a chance.

Gauri whispered: if she is that great person why she wants him to DIOWN his own father and his family to remain a Prince!!!! Believe me Malika I saw many snakes before; and she is definitely one and I bet that she is lying to him and there is another side for her story and we have to know it and make Hrithik know it too.

Malika: I don't know Gauri, I am worried that Hrithik might get angry with me if I said bad on Roxana; like you said she looks like the innocent girl and if I did that I am risking he won't believe me and hate me for it and he is lately speaking with me and learning to trust me back !!!

Gauri: didn't you learn something from aunty Jhanvi; you saw the risk she took for her love; the sacrifice she took for uncle Sardar and now they are having their happy ending; now there is your chance to do something for Hrithik and gain your love back Malika.

Malika was about to speak but she stopped when she heard sound of drums getting louder and louder, then for her surprise; she saw Omkara and Sardar descending the stairs wearing a matching shiny red suits and carrying hand drums that they are hitting on while singing and dancing; as Arjun descending beside him pouting faintly while wearing a red tie bow from the same material of their suits.

Sardar smiled widely: I AM THE GROOM

Omkara smiled widely: YOU ARE THE GROOM



Sardar signaled on Arjun and he said reluctantly in musical tone

Arjun: you are the Prince

Sardar clapped and danced as Gauri smiled widely and covered her lips as Malika hid the side of her face and Jhanvi opened her like the storm with her head covered with hair rollers and chuckled happily as Anika was holding Jhanvi's fingers that was half drawn on and smiled widely; Sardar went towards Jhanvi dancing.


Jhanvi chuckled shyly as he pulled her hand and Anika eyes widened

Anika: THE MEHINDI; oh god no.

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