Chapter 75 " Sardar Sharma"

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After an hour

Shivaay entered the market crowded street and walked where the app tracked only to find Anika serving from behind a table and in front of her pies and drinks and around her a lot of people sitting


Shivaay frowned and took his shades from his pocket then went towards old clothes seller and picked a coat

Shivaay: how much is that?

The seller: 200

Shivaay opened his wallet and gave the seller the money and wore the coat

Shivaay: I will give you a last chance kitty

And he hid behind a crowd and dialed Anika's number and he saw her picking up her phone then looking with wide eyes then answered

Anika: hello Shivu, are you home? (Then she raised an eyebrow and said ) it's very loud around you

Shivaay put his hand over the speaker and thought for a second then raised his hand back

Shivaay: it's just a meeting with a rude clients that apparently won't go well, I might be late Are you still home?

And he could see Anika closing her eyes hard then biting her thumb nail

Anika: yes Shivu, I am Why are you asking?

Shivaay tighten his eyes and said: Nothing Never mind, I have to go

And he ended the call as Anika closed her eyes and moaned in pain then continued distributing pies as Shivaay tighten his eyes to her

Shivaay: you want to play, kitty let's play

And he wore the shades and fixed his hair so it put a short bang over his forehead and raised his black coat's collar and went towards her stand and Anika the moment she saw him she smiled widely that for second he thought she recognized him

Anika: welcome to my stand, what is your order of my delicious pies?

Shivaay in rough tone: anything Peaches if there is one

Anika nodded and he sat on the pavement and tightened his eyes and looked at her from behind his black shades as she smiled widely and cut a piece of pie and gave it to him

Anika: here you go, sir peaches pie with extra jam just for you; you want milk with it too? I have fresh milk too, I swear fresh from the farm not cartooned or anything

Shivaay looked at the cartoon of milk on her table and shook his head in disbelief while he struggle to held his smile as Anika tighten her eyes and Approached him and he swallowed and said in rough tone

Shivaay: what?

Anika: nothing sorry sir it just you seem so familiar to me

Shivaay looked the other way with wide eyes behind the shades and touched his hair as Anika tighten her eyes to him and approached more then she nodded

Anika: I probably saw you around

Shivaay smiled a shivery smile as she cut another piece of pie and he started eating

Shivaay in rough tone: so why a girl in your age is not a school?

Anika turned and said: my age? How can you know my age?

Shivaay: I assumed you are 15 to 18, you know A little girl who should be at school

Anika raised her both eyebrows and said: for your information I am 25 years old and married with 8 kids and my husband Shivaay is a wrestler and he can break your bones

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