Chapter 125 " Only Idiots care about Rumors (3)"

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Anika sat on the couch feeling her head foggy and light, her hand squeezed on the edge of the couch for support, can she get out of this? There must be away out? she thought as Francine on the other side thought the same and made sure that her hopes in survival be crushed so she signaled for two Guards to stand one by the window at the back and other by the door, then walked to the palace victorious all her way she wondered if Malika or the last daughter will reward her, the smile was so wide on her lips that the servant passing by her noticed and wondered

Maid: Madam Francine god bless who is the reason for your smile

Francine: I caught the blond maid and I will make an example out of her so no one think of breaking the palace rules again

The maid's eyes widened then looked at the wooden house with wide eyes seeing it Guarded as Francine walked to the palace and stood behind Malika who was eating her breakfast, she bent and whispered to her and Malika eyes widened and looked at Francine who looked down and nodded

Malika: I am done with my breakfast, excuse me Grandpa, Papa, Prince Pratap, Prince Hrithik

Hrithik: are you okay?

Malika nodded with a faint smile and walked away with Francine as Hrithik looked at her going, then excused and walked behind her but stopped in a distance, she stood at the start of the stairs and said to Francine without noticing Hrithik who was standing behind her

Malika: don't do any action towards the Gardener or the maid, I will go inform the last daughter

And she ran upstairs and Hrithik Signaled to Francine and she approached him with bent head

Hrithik: Francine is what I heard is true? You caught the maid?

Francine smiled: yes Prince, in the Gardener Gulab's house

Hrithik smiled faintly and nodded in satisfaction but then his smile lessened thinking that Anika will forgive Gulab out of misguided kindness, that shouldn't happen

Hrithik: I need you to inform the personal guard of Prince Pratap with the story so he can inform him, it is an Order

Francine nodded and walked towards the guard standing behind Prince Pratap as Hrithik looked at Malika who was walking towards the rooms, she entered Anika's room and saw Soumya sitting with her hand on her cheek and Ragini sitting smoking a cigarette with delight, seeing her Soumya ran towards her

Soumya: Malika I broke a lot of crystal glasses and I didn't mean too

Malika: it is okay Soumya, forget about them, where is Princess Surbhi?

Soumya: she went to meet Shivaay bhai

Malika: what?

Ragini: guess who is the blond Maid? You won't believe it, she is Anika, she wore a wig and met with him

Malika eyes widened: WHAT? (Then she covered her lips) oh no what have I done?

Soumya frowned: what have you done?

Malika: Francine caught Anika and locked her in the wooden house (then she nodded) but it is okay I will fix that, it is between us so I will just tell her to give me the wooden house key (then she said in disgust ) smoke in the window for god's sake, Ragini!!

Ragini rolled her eyes and opened the window

Ragini: the sun is too strong it will be hot in the room so it is your loss (then he eyes widened) oh my god, come look

Malika ran towards the window and her eyes widened seeing a crowd of servant standing in front of the wooden house, Hrithik was sitting on the bench in front of the wooden house and watching closely and Prince Pratap's Guard standing on a distance of the wooden house

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