Chapter 191 " You Bet"(2)

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Raja pulled a chair and sat beside Shivaay and between him and Sardar

Raja: good morning Gulabu; Prince, Princess

Jhanvi frowned and looked the other way as Sardar smiled widely

Shivaay frowned: there is like 20 tables here, sit on anyone of them

Raja: why? Is my presence annoying you?
Shivaay frowned: yes

Raja smiled widely: then I am on the right table and you are not dreaming; we are both fine

Sardar chuckled and Shivaay looked at Sardar with a frown

Sardar: I am sorry but I like him (then he looked at Raja) you are son of whom in the Singh Oberoi again?

Raja smiled widely: you guess uncle?

Sardar smiled widely and tightened his eyes as Jhanvi whispered to him

Jhanvi: again, Kamini

Sardar frowned and looked the other way as Raja's smile lessened and then leaned forward

Raja: I don't understand uncle Sardar, why you hate my mother so much, you are not royal or Singh Oberoi, what possibly my mother can do to you that makes you hate her so much, you were the Gardener..(Then his smile vanished) which makes you in a worst situation, forget my question

Sardar frowned: no if you want an answer, I can answer you
Raja smile lessened: no, am good

Sardar nodded then took Jhanvi's hand and went towards the door of the tea room and Shivaay frowned

Shivaay: I hope you are happy

Raja smirked as Jhanvi and Sardar passed by Dahab that was sitting with Malika, Gauri, Omkara and Soumya but seeing that she got off the table and walked toward Shivaay's table and all followed her with their tea cups, surprised from her sudden action

Dahab: good morning Gulab, Raja; can we join you?
Shivaay frowned: sit down, please

They all sat and the put their cups of tea on the marble table; Raja smiled to Dahab and she smiled back and nodded then out of nowhere Raja put the big red jewelry box of the necklace on the table that apparently was beside him on the chair all along and Shivaay frown vanished and swallowed, as Raja looked at him with wide smile

Raja: what? You said yesterday there is no time for my gift, but now we are in the start of the day, I can finally give Surbhi her necklace

And he opened the necklace's box and all looked at it and Shivaay could see how impressed they were with the necklace, he frowned faintly and looked down and Dahab looked at him but didn't comment

Malika: oh my god, it is really beautiful

Gauri frowned: it is not that beautiful

Soumya smiled: then take your eyes off it (then she smiled to Raja) Anika loves red, she will love it

Gauri frowned as Raja smiled and closed the box

Raja: Gulab also bought her a necklace

Shivaay eyes widened as Gauri smiled widely

Gauri: Really? Show it to us bhai (then she said to Raja proudly) bhai's taste in jewelry is amazing, you should have not bought a jewelry, Raja bhai

Raja smirked: really? Show it to us then Gulab

Shivaay frowned: the jewelry man didn't finish it yet Gauri

Raja smirked: really?!!

Shivaay frowned: Raja can I speak with you one for one moment in Private

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