Chapter 106 " Princess Surbhi"

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Malika wiped her tears and got out of her room ready to scream on whoever murmuring while standing in the second floor and just beside her room, her sadness and disappointment while waiting for Surbhi were too much for her to handle this mistake but even with the sound of the door opening and her angry steps, the three Maids outside the room were still talking in what they think is low enough for the young Princess to hear and they didn't notice her, even when she just stood behind them, it was just so interesting subject for them to beware or even focusing, they were talking after all about...

Maid 1: ...Princess Surbhi was the daughter of the last daughter Princess Jhanvi; Francine the head of the servant said that one of servant that worked here in the "sad day "...

Maid 2: the sad day?!!!

Maid 3: she means the day Princess Jhanvi passed away, we call it " the sad day " , it is for honoring the last daughter, if you want to last here with Princess Malika and don't get fired like Adele before you, then never forget it

Maid 2 swallowed and nodded as Maid 1 whispered

Maid 1: anyway, she said that the last daughter had a child from a foreign Prince (then she whispered in lower tone ) before Marriage and Prince Arjun lost his temper and killed the illegal Princess and Princess Jhanvi couldn't handle this and She ran out with her wedding dress covered in her daughter's blood and killed herself

Malika frowned even more and clutched her hand with the words but she was stopped and her anger turned to Shock and her heart shattered when she heard the maid continue...

Maid 1: and the destiny brought her daughter after 13 years in the same condition her mother's ran out of the palace for, except instead of the blood on her wedding attire, it is black ashes, god I can lose my life just to know what happened!!!

Malika eyes widened and tears crowded in her eyes as the 3rd Maid said

Maid 3: it is so clear what happened, Prince Arjun knew she survived his order for her to be killed and grow up and was going to get married as well, so he found her, killed her husband and burned the wedding hoping she burn with it and she survived somehow and came to seek mercy and justice from Prince Pratap!!!

Maid 1 smiled sarcastically: well good luck for her, Prince Pratap doesn't know mercy and he probably will just reward Prince Arjun for what he did!!!

Maid 2 swallowed and said: why? Is he as bad as Prince Arjun?

Malika pushed them from her way and they gasped then looked terrified to each other as she ran towards the door that behind it the spiral stairs that leads towards the 3rd floor and knocked and screamed


The door just opened and she ran upstairs then ran through the golden corridor towards the room across Pratap's while thinking that maybe this just a rumor and nothing of this happened but the second she reached to the door of the room and saw the two guards standing out of it, her eyes widened and she put her hand on her chest feeling her heart squeezed, Anika must be behind the door, that is the only reason for the room to be guarded.

And she looked at them and swallowed then entered in slow steps the silent room that had no other sound but of the dancing flames of the fire place.

This made her a bit hesitated to enter as she doesn't know what she should expect from Anika but she took courage and entered and saw Anika

She was sitting on the bed and in her bridal attire that had black smudges from the ashes that covered half of her face and her wrist with drops of dried blood as well and Lakshmi with teary face was wiping Anika's face and hands with wet cotton.

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