👑Sonic X Wizard! Reader👑

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(F/A) - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

(E/C) - Eye color

(F/C) - Favorite Color

❖ Being a wizard isn't easy, it's especially not easy being the King's royal wizard. But being thrown in the dungeon due to the illusion's fears? You rather be at your tower...


👑 Third Person P.O.V. 👑

     You, are (Y/N) the (F/A), the formerly wizard for King Arthur; the corrupted king who the townspeople of Camelot deemed the Black Knight. Normally, you'd be in your magical quarters, reading books and seeing the future for the higher-ups to give wisdom and advice. Instead, you in the dungeon, deep under the castle wasting away despite only a few long minutes passed. Or so you thought. You were sent here because of your 'disloyal' and accused of 'treason' to the King. As well as plenty of other fake crimes.

Before (Y/N) were assisted with the Black Knight, you were but a student to the famous wizard, Merlin, who created King Arthur in the first place. In the mind of the young (F/A), she/he/they prayed to the heavens about their worries about the Old Wizard's plan to give the kingdom a Just and Righteous Ruler, to bring peace to all the land. Somehow, you still asked the Gods the same question to this day.

     In the same era before Merlin's pass, (Y/N) also grew up with Merlina; the granddaughter of Merlin. You two were close, but, Merlina's motives and wishes to make the world she walked on  eternal has led the mobian and young wizard walk on seperate paths. In truth, you would still watch over her, you made a promise after all for your mentor's sake. 

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     Suddenly, (Y/N)'s mind stirred upon hearing footsteps. Very. Fast footsteps. The (F/A) fix her/him/them-selves and put the hood over her/his/their head, grabbing the (F/C) staff for defense. Confused and Cautious and what it could be. And this is when the heavens in this medieval world, lit up another path...


👑 (Y/N)'s P.O.V. 👑

     I hear footsteps, that can't be the guards. Its way too fast be one. Before I even got close to the metal bars of my prisonment, something passed by me as fast as lightning! Making me yelp out in suprise alerting the speed demon. "Sorry about that!", the voice called zooming back making me yelp out again, "Eep!", I squeaked. "I-I mean, -ahem- I-Its fine", I fix myself loosening my grip on my staff.

Wait, the townpeople spoken of a blue being saving the prisoners from false crimes. "your...Your the one the who the King's people spoken of, they say you slayed dragons", I spoke and the stranger scratches his nose with a wink, "Heh, 'Yup! Thats me~ Im Sonic- Hey!" "This is Knave, Knave the Hedgehog", the sword spoke in words! This made me jump, clutching my staff closer.

     "Cmon Caliburn! Your scaring her/him/them! And its Sonic!" "To you, but for now you are called Knave..", The weapon corrected and my eyes widens, "Did...Did you just say Caliburn?", I asked not believing what I hear and they nodded. So the tales were true! Before I even asked them more questions, the sound of metal heavy footsteps running down the hall alerted the us. "No more formalities! We must leave!" "Not without her/him/them", Sonic said and unlocked the gates.

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Stepping out, I stood my guard and swirled my left/right hand, forming a soft glowing orb in (F/C). Whispering in acient words, my eyes glow and I formed a barrier between me and the guards. "That'll give us some time, cmon magic (F/A)!" "W-wait! P-put me down!", I screamed in the last minute from being picked up and speeded away in the arms of the blue hedgehog. Exiting the kingdom and now entering the woods.


👑 Sonic's P.O.V. 👑

     I probably should've given her/him/them a heads up before I carried the (F/A) away out of the castle. Oops. But, we may be running out of time, sure she/he/they made that magical wall but if we stayed any longer it may be little too late fore us to run. Let alone any debates. Anyways, whoever this is, is also a wizard like Melina. I wonder if the two know each other.

Zooming out the Camelot Castle, the three made our way into the forest. We stopped at the river banks and I put the (F/C) down carefully, "Oh goodness, um, thank you, for rescuing me" "Its nothing, whats your name by the way?", I asked and the wizard pulled her/his/their hood down, revealing her/his/their facial features and accesories. Id be lying if I didnt get lost in her/his/their (E/C) eyes. 

     "I am (Y/N), former royal wizard to the corrupted king, He put me there for false crimes and accusations for treasons. I only wanted whats best for my home, and the actions my KIng was doing is nothing but harming the world.", (Y/N) revealed as we walked, "King Arthur must bestopped" "You are on the path to bring peace back to Camelot?", (Y/N) asks and I nodded, "Sure are~" "But first Knave must prove himself, he must pass some tests"", Caliburn added.

I then see the two talk about our travels, as well as how I gotten here, this (F/A) looks alot like the (Y/N) I know in my world. Sweet and protective, always putting her/him/them-self on the line to save others. Aw man, I'm catching feelings, can you blame me though? "Come with us (Y/N), we could use some more help", I hear Calburn asks.

     "I wish I could, but I cannot, this is not my story Caliburn. But, I can help you enhance your powers, I have a secret home that only the Lady of the Lake knows about. She will aid you, you and Sonic are welcome to visit anytime", (Y/N) offered and went on her seperate way. It saddens me, but now I have a excuse to visit the cute wizard. 

"Control yourself Knave"

"My name its not Knave! its SONIC!"

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