♠︎Venice the Mink X Princess/Prince!reader♠︎

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(F/A) - Favorite Animal

(H/Q/C) - Hair/Quills color

(F/C) - Fur color

(E/C) - Eye color

(A/C) - Armor color

(F/G) - Favorite Gemstone

(Y/N) - your name

❖ You are a Princess, having yet another ball, but instead of thinking to sneak out of your home a certain someone bumps into you while you were lounging around (NOTE: pictures below belongs to their rightful owners and if you don't like the color your free to use your imagination)


~ Venice's P.O.V. ~

Ugh, to think it couldn't get any more boring, Sonic and Silver forced me to go to this royal party and they both got a plus one, sonic obviously takes me wanting me to get along with others. As I walked around the castle looking at pictures of the royal family I stopped to see a picture, it is obviously a full body picture of the next heir of this kingdom, a young (F/A) with her/his/their gorgeous/handsome flowing (H/C) hair/quills, her/his/their soft (F/C) fur and her/his/their glimmering (E/C) eyes staring off into the distance wearing her/his/their (A/C) armor with an (F/G) wedged onto her/his/their chest plate of the armor. To think a young Princess/Prince is allowed to lead the royal guards and what-not, I know who she/he/they are but I never knew her/his/their name, heh some person I am.

As I kept walking I bumped into a cloaked mobian, "sorry, wasn't payin' attention~", I said helping them up, "no no it's fine", the mobian said but as I was about to ask the mysterious mobian whats their name the cloaked mobian was already gone. What was that about? In other words, something is not right. "Hey Venice!~", oh great it's Sonic, "what'd you want" "Good to see you too~, seems the Princess/Prince is gonna be a tad late tonight so the night is ours for the taking~", Sonic said scratching his nose with his cocky smirk. "tsk, whatever", I said walking past him, this better be worth the wait, this is a royal ball after all so that Princess/Prince better come back before her/his/their royal dance at least...

~ 2 hours later ~

...Two.Whole.Hours since the Princess/Prince is unavailable, it was then the trumpets blared and I went to the dancefloor before everyone else did, except Sonic ironically. "Bow before the royal family!", the announcer said as everyone including myself bowed to the royal family, even the Princess/Prince is their wearing her/his/their royal attire...

(If you want to wear a dress ↓) 

(If you want to wear a uniform ↓)

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(If you want to wear a uniform ↓)

I couldn't help but stare and blush at her/his/their natural beauty, it was then I snapped back to reality and realized that I wasn't paying attention to the King's speech, "

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...I couldn't help but stare and blush at her/his/their natural beauty, it was then I snapped back to reality and realized that I wasn't paying attention to the King's speech, "...The Royal Ball can now begin!", the crowd cheered and claps as everyone danced the waltz but then I see the Princess/Prince coming down to have a seat, It can't be that exhausting being Princess/Prince so I try to stir up a conversation...


~ Your P.O.V. ~

Just when things can't get any more boring, but as I sat down on my royal chair watching the crowd dancing having fun a light grey hedgehog came to me, I doubt it's Silver though 'cause his chest fur is yellow. This must be Venice Sonic spoke to me about, "good evening your grace~" "no need to be noble~ you can call me by my name~", I said assuring him he doesn't need to call me "your grace" or what-not, "I uh, heh this is kind of embarrassing but I don't know your name" "then let us introduce ourselves, I am (Y/N)" "Venice, Venice the Mink", Venice...What a handsome name, his name even makes his appearance look good. "well its good to meet you Venice" "you too (Y/N), wanna dance?".

Wha-? a dance? I guess I could have some fun, "s-sure", I said taking his hand as he led me down the stairs to dance to the waltz, but I didn't realize I was turning pink like I'm blushing, as we got to the dance floor we got to positions. "ready?" "y-yeah, r-ready as I ever am" "don't be nervous, just follow my lead", I nod just as he said that makes me feel better, when the music starts we start to dance but I look down to make sure my steps are perfect, Venice instead list my head up with his thumb and gave me a smile, I wasn't paying attention but I dance still and I realize the more I stare at his light blue eyes the more I got lost in them.

Hours later the next thing I knew the dance floor became more hollow, I guess the guests moved to see us dance and given us some room, it's kind of embarrassing really, I mean almost no one in my kingdom saw me dance so this is bound to spread far and wide like wildfire. "y'know, that cloaked mobian almost looked like you", he said in a soft tone whispering not letting anyone hear, "h-how'd you know...?", I asked and he said...

..."Because she/he/they have the same beautiful (E/C) eyes like yours~"

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