☔️ Espio X detective! reader ☔️

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F/A - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

(F/C) - Favorite color

Requested by ---> RookieArt

❖Your a detective from a secret agency bumping into someone from the Chaotix


~ Espio's P.O.V. ~

Another day since the end of Infinite and Eggman on destruction, the people are safe and I and the others rebuild the city but none of us can shake the feeling on what happened to the infamous villain, Infinite, since his disappearance after being defeated from Sonic. So here we are, finding some clues to where or what happened to him, but as I was going around asking questions I accidentally bumped into someone, that's what I get for being so deep in my thoughts. " Sorry, I was paying attention-!! " " It's cool, I wasn't looking where I was going either heh. ", the (F/C) (F/A) said, she's/he's/they're beautiful/handsome, the (F/A) was wearing a very thin jacket, a white button-up shirt, black pants/jeans/jeggings, and a pair of boots/heels/shoes. She/He/They look like a business women/man, I couldn't stop staring at the mobian (F/A) feeling my cheeks getting warm and being unnoticed that my scales changed colors. 

" You ok there? you're a bit tickled-pink *giggles* " "ah! I-I'm fine! uh *ahem* I'm Espio, what's yours? " " (Y/N), (Y/N) (F/A), so your Espio, with Chaotix Agency right? ", I guess it's kind of obvious, afterward we had a nice conversation at a Café near us before dawn, " Thanks for hanging around Espio, I had a great time, see you again tomorrow? " " of course, here *writes down numbers on a note* Call whenever your free ", she/he/they nod and I took off. When I got home before I even step into my humble abode, Vector spoke up, "Espio! Where were you? we got a call from Tails saying there are some readings in the city!", jobs never are done are there? I nodded and got ready to start my mission. 

~ 1:30 am ~

Good thing I drank coffee before leaving, otherwise I would've crash from speeding up. When I saw the scene I see... Infinite? what's he doing here in the city? He looks like he's hiding from someone, he immediately closed the door milliseconds before Egg-bots even turned to his direction. Time for answers but as I got closer to the scene Metal Sonic, the real Metal Sonic passed by analyzing the area- *Camera click*...What? 

" O p e n  t h i s  d o o r . . . ", I heard from Metal Sonic walking in a different direction, I watch and I see- (Y/N)?! what is she/he/they doing here?? I gotta make a distraction before Metal discovered her/his/their presence! Hmm, I got it!


~ Your P.O.V. ~

Ah, crud, why did my camera, made a sound?! I'm so screwed! Boss is gonna kill me for sure- *can rolling sound* huh? whos-! just when I look to that direction I see familiar golden eyes, is that Espio? And with that, he attacks, but silently, stealthy much?~ He's kind of hot when he's focused on his prey-WHAT. A-anyways! it was my turn, those two robots are in the way of the door so I got out my two pistols and blast their metal heads without any alarm from any hostile enemies.

"What are you doing here Espio?" "I was gonna as you the same thing, I thought you were home asleep, it's past midnight" "Heh, well it's only fair to tell you my job, I'm a detective as well I'll explain everything later, we have questions that need to be answered", I knocked on the door and we see a very, very cautious Infinite opening the door only to the point when the chains prevent the door from opening all the way open. " What'd you want..." "Just answers Infinite, we mean no harm" "...Fine".

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