🐊 Vector the Crocodile X Drag Queen! Male! Singer! slightly chubby! reader 🐊

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❖(Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/C) - fav color

❖ (D/N) - Drag name

❖you are a drag queen/king just searching for love (btw guys i love drag queens <3 <3 <3 so im very excited to do this)


~ Your P.O.V. ~

As I got out my makeup and setting it all up on my beauty table with a mirror framed by lightbulbs, I start prepping my face with moisturizer and face primer. Yup, you got that right, I'm a Drag Queen, a male who does makeup by night doing either performances and whatnot, me, on the other hand, I do it for fun and enjoy my job at a bar in Mobius as a dancer on stage with either a pole or just a very elegant couch-like bed doing lip syncs instead of singing with my real voice. I can sing songs but I feel so embarrassed to share it with the world that I rather do lip syncing instead. I know what theme it was, it was turquoise and pink, my favorite colors to play with when it comes with makeup, don't get me wrong (F/C) is my favorite too but blues and pinks or red is the best aesthetic as there is.

I put on my heels and I look at myself in the mirror making sure everything is perfect...

I put on my heels and I look at myself in the mirror making sure everything is perfect

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...time to go have fun!~

~ 30 minutes later ~

I made sure my makeup is flawless, during the car ride and as I got to my destination I immediately went to my room to prep up an make sure nothing is wrong, turns out half of Mobius is visiting! no one expected this to happen! but it was then that this building is one of the top 3 most famous buildings!~ anyways back to business, as the musicians played soft jazz before my performance I took a peek at the crowd, let's see... Sonic's here, as usual, Knuckles as always trying to be calm and collective when around the bunny girls~ and...whos this green crocodile? he looks nervous but he sure is handsome~ I took a quick snap of him and scurried off putting my phone in my secret pocket, my man bra obviously heh, ever since I grew some 32A-sized man boobs I use it as a gift to show my feminine looks at my job, but since their so small; nearly 95% flat chested, I also contoured my chest making it look like 32C-sized.

"And now the moment you all been waiting for! the fabulous and glamorous! (D/N)!~", I hear the announcer say and the whole crowd blew whistles and shouts. 

It's showtime!~


~ Vector's P.O.V. ~

(D/N)? who's that? I turn to Sonic and ask him who's she is, "He's one of the best performers in this building~ let maybe you should see for yourself~", he winks, a male? I mean I'm not against it I'm just, a bit nervous? I've never been to a bar, yes I may be flirty or pretend that I'm famous but this is different, just when the song starts my jaw nearly dropped to the ground as he starts singing...

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