.:|| 🎄 Christmas Special: Silver X reader🎄 ||:.

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/C) - Favorite color

❖ (F/F) - Favorite flowers

❖ (E/C) - eye color

❖ (F/G) - Favorite Gemstone

❖ Your in Sonic's Christmas/sleepover party but there's something suspicious about Silver, is he your Secret Santa?


.:|| Silver's P.O.V. ||:.

        As I went through the portal to travel from my time to Sonic's time, I was greeted by (Y/N) but, I couldn't stop turning red! She/He/They look so pretty in those clothes! But nothing makes me turn redder when I noticed that she's/he's/they're wearing some of the pieces of jewelry I secretly sent her!! I thought she/he/they hated it, guess I was wrong, either way, she/he/they look beautiful with it on her/him/them, it's a perfect size too! As I made my way to (Y/N) with two cans of soda, I blush in a bright pink seeing her/his/their tongue sticking out with her/his/their cute focused expression.

In all honesty, I wanna kiss her, but that's beyond my reach to have that advantage. After (Y/N) cheers on her/his/their victory I sat down between Rouge and (Y/N), "Need a drink (Y/N)?", I said holding out a can to her/him/them and smile, "Thanks Silvs!~ Say wanna play Splatoons?", She/He/They asked and I happily obliged using my powers to hold the can so I can use the remote control, that nickname she/he/they used, 'Silvs', it's a cute nickname (Y/N) given me, but then I realized that I hadn't given her/him/them a nickname as well, what should a call her/him/them? Oh, I got one. I'll use it later, right now I got a game to beat~

    As we play, (Y/N) made the same cute facial expression, I can't help but secretly take a picture of it with my powers, after while (Y/N) became victorious once more and she/he/they cheered. "Oh my Mobius I was so close to empty!~" "I know right? oh hey, Silver, (Y/N) you have a small package from your secret Santa", I hear Blaze said and then (Y/N) sighed. "This is the seventh time this month, who this person is, I hope they know that I want to meet them," She/He/They said, I can't believe she/he/they want to see the "secret Santa." I'm even more shocked that she's/he's/they're still guessing who it is!

As I watched (Y/N) opening the box her/his/they're pretty (E/C) eyes sparkled like stars! It was a necklace, the chain was made from white/yellow gold and the pendant is another one of those (F/G) it's not that big either, it's a bit small, but it has an (F/F) trapped inside the crystal itself, when I saw it it was gorgeous, just like (Y/N). "Ah!~ there's a flower crystalized in it!~ how did they know I love (F/F)?", (Y/N) exclaimed and puts it on around her/his/their neck and once again it was a perfect fit. "I'm never taking this off~," I hear (Y/N) said. She/He/They can't be serious right? I was so happy hearing that but at the same time I'm so embarrassed. Hhhhhhh she's/he's/they're so cute!!!

...In a few hours later I brought some hot choco upstairs to my room that I'm sharing with (Y/N), opening the door I set the tray down on the table that was positioned between the two beanbags. I guess she's/he's/they're still changing in the restroom, I might as well wait for her/him/them, so I waited, and I looked outside, it's snowing so much tonight, maybe when the sun comes out I could take (Y/N) somewhere, I heard that there's going to be a Winter Festival all week long. Minutes later (Y/N) walks into the room in her/his/their pajamas; I turn red when she's/he's/they're wearing those items of clothing...

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