💚 Jet X Celebrity! Skater! Reader 💚

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❖ (F/A - Favorite Animal

❖ (Y/N) -your name

❖ (F/A) - fav animal

❖ (( So to those that don't know I was inspired by the BMX and the variety of other skating and bike riding tournaments, and funny fact my dad actually compete in the BMX a couple of times when I was like, not born yet to not even a tot yet XD ))

❖ you are a famous celebrity who won multiple extreme gear contests, tournaments, and cups. What will you do when you meet a rider speeding around the city?


~ Your P.O.V. ~

I woke up with a yawn and I check the time, 6:35 am, good, early as ever, today is actually the World Grand Prix XVII so I best be looking my best. This may be the biggest race yet, otherwise, it'll end up like the Ex World Grand Prix that Egg-head failed miserably at. As I got up to take a shower, I received a call from the host of today's Grand Prix, T.W. Barker himself, "hey! Had a good sleep? the Grand Prix doesn't start until noon, so enjoy your morning!~ see you at the Prix!", and with that, he hangs up, I'm not surprised that it'd start at noon because after the race there's gonna be a HUGE rave party and then afterward the contestants will be joining a nice dinner at a famous restaurant with live action cooking at our own table.

But, in all honesty, it's all the same, I just wish this Grand Prix is different. Just once at least, there's barely any competition since WGP VII from all the commotions of gravity being all mixed up by these "meteorites" and the automaton security all fucked up. As I finished bathing myself I check the time again, 7:05 am, still early but it gives me enough time to continue my daily routines. Afterward, I go into my wardrobe, 'wonder what I should where...', I thought but then I saw my skate-type extreme gears that were upgraded a few days ago. It's been a while since I rode those babies, they used to be regular skates, having wheels and all but now since everything is all like, cyber-like featured and all that. Rollerblades are basically ancients in WGP history, but I can never sell them, these skates took me a long journey, can't be THAT hard to skate while not touching the ground right?

The skates are the Wanted editions, a range of orange, white, and black with teal auras at the bottom perfect for the clothes I picked out!~ (excluding the black boots and replace the sunglasses with orange goggles with teal)...

The skates are the Wanted editions, a range of orange, white, and black with teal auras at the bottom perfect for the clothes I picked out!~ (excluding the black boots and replace the sunglasses with orange goggles with teal)

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