🎖 Knuckles X GUN Soldier! Reader 🎖

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(Y/N) - your name

(E/C) - eye color

(F/A) - favorite animal


🎖 Third Person P.O.V. 🎖

"Wow! Look at those aircraft!~"

     Tails exclaim pointing at the jets ready to take off for aerial practice, "Tails, you have some planes of your own", Shadow mentions with a small smile, making the two-tailed foxes sheepish, "Yeah, but the biplane is still a work in progress. I wanna make sure I got all the kinks out", the young intellect mentions and Amy chimes in, "What about the 'Tornado'?" "That's Sonic's plane, which is still unused", Tails said raising a brow at the blue hedgehog, making him chuckle nervously.

While the four chatted, Knuckles was watching the soldiers. When the plane descended a bit, he can see the GUN troops at the training course, working hard and fast. "See anyone you like 'Red'?" Rouge teased and the echidna flushes softly, scratching his nose, "I was only looking", he stated defensively but kept watching. Out of all the mobians on the plane, he's the only echidna that knows ancient fighting skills that his ancestors passed down from generation to generation.

     When the plane finally lands, the General told Shadow that there was a security breach inside the building. "I'll take care of it General, but I can't make any promises on keeping the robot intact", Shadow states and the human understands. "You sure Shads? I don't mind a little warm up~", Sonic said stretching his legs, ever the competitor was put down by Shadow's soft huff already walking inside the facility. 

Disappointed, Rouge then speaks, "Maybe next time Sonic~ Besides, you'll get a free tour from your favorite treasure hunter", she said earning some eye rolls and head shakes. "Hey, where Knuckles?" "Hm, he must go to the training ground, but he'll be fine. Come on now", Rouge stated and they begin the tour.


🎖 Knuckles' P.O.V. 🎖

     Maybe it wasn't a good idea to wander off like that, but I didn't want to hear any more of Rouge's banter about how she's the 'best treasure hunter'. Sneaking into the training grounds, I watch the soldiers doing pull-ups, sit-ups, and doing combat practice. To get harder, better, faster, and stronger. All this is to be prepared for the next attack, whether it's from Eggman or another alien invasion.

One of these soldiers caught my attention the most, a (F/A) mobian in uniform doing an obstacle course. The track doesn't look too intense, but some of the human troops had to either tap out or failed the course. Since whenever one fails, I'd hear, 'Your dead', across the field. This (F/A) though hasn't tapped out yet and finished the course successfully while wearing a weighted vest. I guess it's supposed to limit her/his/their abilities from speed and jumping, but she/he/they seem just fine.

     When that ordeal was over, I made my way to the mobian. She/He/They had a towel strung around her/his/their neck and were drinking a bottle of water, she/he/they must've gotten a five or ten-minute break. She/he/they seem to like being away from the crowd though, kinda like I was at Angel Island. "You the newcomer?", she/he/they asked and I shook my head answering, "No, I'm with Shadow", I said.

"Really? I guess that means you're friends with the 'faker' he kept talking about huh?", that made me chuckle. "You can say that" "haha~ I'm (Y/N), it's nice to see another mobian other than Shads and Rouge", she/he/they said. "I honestly can't blame you, I'm Knuckles", I greeted back shaking her/his/their hand. 


🎖 (Y/N)'s P.O.V. 🎖

     'Knuckles' huh? Ironic, but it had a nice ring to it. Three minutes passed from my break time, he told me that he and a few others were given a tour around the GUN facility and that he, too didn't want to hear Rouge's boasts. As those minutes passed by, I rub my cold towel on my head to cool off and I stood up leaving the fabric on the bench. "Wanna spar for a bit? Id spar with Shadow or Rouge but they'd cheat", I joked.

"Why not, I could use a bit of exercise", he smirks pumping his fists together and I lead him to the outdoor ring. In GUN, we don't use the fighting circle for wrestling, we mostly use it for several fighting skills. Such as martial arts, or kickboxing. In this case, since Knuckles is wearing boxing gloves, this will be a boxing match. As he waits for me to get ready, I was having trouble putting on my other glove. I still haven't gotten a chance to break them in, Sergent rarely lets us fight by boxing. We mostly learn Jujitsu or Karate, but at night Shadow would train me in other fighting styles.

     Walking up to the red mobian, and asking sheepishly, "do you mind if you help me put this on?", he nods and pushes the glove in, I feel embarrassed but now that I look at him closer. He has some gorgeous purple eyes, It wasn't long until we both realize how close our faces are and we both turn red. "ahem, s-sorry uh-" "It's-It's fine", I said smiling softly before we both entered the ring in fighting position. "Ladies first~" "You're a sweetheart", I said striking first.

     I didn't even notice how long we fought, it was sunset, and before I was about to counter strike I heard a shriek from my coach. "What is going on here?!" "S-Seargent! I-", I stammered out trying to find the right words. Jumping down, I was ready to accept the consequences, I don't have an excuse. But, it's best not to make one. It was then the General walks in, "At ease Sergeant, I'm sure (Y/N) was only doing a demonstration", he proclaims and Shadow gives me a wink with a smile, letting out a sigh of relief. I guess I owe him one now.

"Quite the fighter, I'll be sure not to go easy on you next time~"

"Heh, get ready to lose 'Red'~"

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