❄️ Part 2: Shadow X Ice manipulation! Reader ❄️

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❖ (Y/N) - Your name

❖ (F/A) - Favorite animal

❖ (F/C) - Favorite Color

❖ (E/C) - Eye color

❖ (G/E/C) - Glowing eyes color

❖ Shadow witnessed a secret you never told nor showed him before, after what has happened in an ambush you ran away in fear. How will Shadow and the others bring you back?



~ Shadow's P.O.V. ~

     The stories the soldiers told us we're worrisome; however, I believe (Y/N) only did this out of fear and felt this is the only defense. She/He/They couldn't hurt anyone, it wasn't long until I and the others resume our travels. But, not before we get some more supplies and a sudden sound of one of Eggman's Egg-ship. "Eggman! what's he up to now?" Sonic said, replacing his thick jacket with a coat. "It almost like he's heading to the mountains! We have to get there before he does!" Tails announced. Agreed, we all borrowed a snow vehicle with me taking the wheel to continue our mission.

I replay the story those GUN soldiers told us, there's just no evidence that (Y/N) 'harmed' them. And even if she/he/they did, then it would've been unwillingly and from panic. From what they described, apparently, she/he/they made her/his/their own giant golem out of snow and ice as well. "Shadow, stop!" Tails screeched before I slammed the breaks startled from being so deep in my thoughts as the vehicle jerked, I gave Tails a death glare, "ah-ha, s-sorry i-it won't happen again" He said with a scared smile.

     Before I gave him a piece of my mind, Silver interrupts, "Guys! Look!" making us all turn. A frozen waterfall, surrounded by snow. What inhabitants are? Chaos, not the chaos you usually see back at home; no, these chaos looks like miniature snowmen. Its wings are fairy-like and made from icicles. These chaos must've evolved and adapted to the cold weather. "Aw, they're so cute!" Sonic said, hugging a couple of chaos as it makes its usual happy sounds. Giving the area another look, I noticed a massive cloud over this area to keep it snowing, "This cloud must've kept this specific area cold. (Y/N) must be close." Silver states, making me nod. 

Analyzing the area some more, some animals lived here as well; Arctic foxes and snow owls, animals that are adapted to the cold. It explains really well that some of the chaos has some elements of the winter mammals. We must be a lot more deeper in the forest, mainly from noticing small cubs of polar bears.


     Hm? looking at the chao, it was pulling me and pointing at the direction of the mountains, "Is that where (Y/N) is?" I asked, and it nods, "Chao!" Before then, we continue our search back on our vehicle. During the drive, I listen to the conversation between Tails and the Snow Chao, which has a thin red scarf around its neck tied in a bow. Admittedly, it looks cute on them. "Chao said that the last time he has seen (Y/N) was not long before she/he/they heard footsteps from the two soldiers" Tails states and Silver nods, "(Y/N) probably fleed to the mountains out of fear, by the way, I think we should give a name to the chao!~", Silver announced, making Sonic perk his ears upward. 

"I got it! how about Frosty?" Sonic said, earning a small raspberry from the little chao and some snickers from Silver and Tails. "Hm, Snowflake?" Silver then suggested, but then soon earned a raspberry from the chao, "ah-ha too cutesy, huh?" he admits, and the chao answered with a blank 'chao.'


"Pearl? Why that name?" Sonic asked I can sense his teasing tone, and I said my reason, "Their eyes look like pearls, specifically blue pearls." I stated, and the chao, well now named 'Pearl,' made sounds of excitement liking the name. I'm never going to hear the end of it from the blue faker...


~ Sonic's P.O.V. ~

     After I pleaded Uncle from being in a death grip by a flustered, angry alien hedgehog, I won the bet getting my small sack of 50 rings from Silver snickering. I knew from the start Shad had a thing for (Y/N), but from the current situation we're at now, even I became worried for (Y/N). Everyone at home is. It was past dawn, and we're all near our destination. By the time we finally got some bright plains covered in snow, we all stared in awe at what we just witnessed.

A crystalline castle made from frozen snow, sitting near the tip of the mountains being shined by the sun. The stairs are even made out of ice and are nowhere near melting! "Woah, uh guys, we're on the river," Silver said, and we all rushed to see, and it's 100% real alright. What proved it real? The sea creatures are yet still swimming under all the thick ice! "I'm not ok!" I panic from my fear of water. "This is getting out of hand, even the ships are frozen from it! If we don't help (Y/N), then." Tails said, holding onto me and Silver steps up. "That won't happen! I know it won't!"

     He's right, we've made it this far, so why stop? By the time we got to the mountains, we all get to the stairs exhausted. Tails can't fly up there due to the cold weather, it'll just add more difficulty so Silver went ahead but can only get as high halfway from frostbites, despite wearing his thick jacket and the amount of chest fur he has. We were then met by the snow golem those guards told us about, it just stares at us sternly; like it's looking through our souls. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.

It was calm until it sees Tails' device thinking it's a weapon, roaring to attack us, more specifically Tails. Picking up Tails away from its attacks, he thanks me and I join Shadow and Silver to fight off the Golem. "Shads! go to the castle! we'll take care of it" Silver said and Shadow skates off to the front doors of the castle. Momentarily, we see the Egg-Ship again, just halfway far from us.

...Hurry up Shadow...


To be continued...

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