🌌 Sonic the Werehog X Reader 🌌

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/A) - Favourite animal

❖ (F/C) - Fav color

❖ you were lost in a forest being chased by Dark Gais' minions in the middle of the night


~ Your P.O.V. ~

Ugh, great, first off, I was kicked out of my family's house, then I was nearly robbed, and now I'm lost in this huge forest in the middle of the rain during a full moon! my life just couldn't get any worse, doesn't matter anymore, as I kept walking deeper in the forest clutching my sweater/jacket tighter to stay warm I hear footsteps behind me. "who's there? show yourself!", I exclaimed a bit scared, nothing showed up so I just kept walking trying to at least find shelter. SNAP! "ok now you're being annoying!", I said once more until I see an army of black creatures with glowing markings, they look like aliens! but also ready to attack, so without thinking I made a run for it. This can't be real can it?

As I kept running I tripped over a tree root, not only scarping my cheek, forearm, and thigh but also twisting my ankle a bit with a grunt as I fell face first. I can still run, the ankle barely hurts but its either I keep running for help or these THINGS WILL CATCH ME, so I got back up running for my life, are they trying to get this black gem I found in the alleyway? while I was having a million questions in my head not paying attention I tripped over a rock, rolling down a slightly steep hill getting more scratches and bruises, even my ankle gotten worse, I couldn't get up like last time so I instead crawl as fast as I can to get away but stopped at a dead end. They got closer ready to attack, I don't want to die, but this looks like the end of me as I closed my eyes ready for them to kill me.

...Why don't I feel pain, I opened my eyes seeing them lean closer but then I hear a howl, a BIG one, I didn't know there were wolves in the forest! the "wolf" was HUGE! having dark blue fur, huge claws and...spiky shoes??? wait who is he?? As I stood there in confusion and shock the "wolf" growls horrendously and attacks the dark creature, his own arms even extend like a stretched up toy, just who is this person?

Moments later, the creatures disappeared in colorful auras and the beast looks at me with his bright glowing peridot green eyes...


~ Sonic's P.O.V. ~

...After the battle of the last of Dark Gaia's minions, I turn to the (F/A), she/he/they look scared but also confused. I don't blame her/him/them, it's a bit of confusing, "you ok?", I asked and the (F/A) nod, "y-yeah i-I'm fine", she/he/they said trying to get up but instead, I caught her/him/them before she/he/they fell, "that looks bad, I'll take you to shelter", I stated without her/him/them denying hoisting her/him/them up onto my back as she/he/they held onto me, just by looking at her/him/them I can tell she/he/they went through hell and back. As I start running primally the (F/A) clenches onto my quills gently, I made stops here and there but just as I got to Tails' workshop she/he/they were asleep, guess she/he/they already been through enough.

After a few knocks Tails opens the door, "Hey Sonic, nice work on those Dark Gaia freaks, who's that?" "She/he/they were chased by the freaks, hopefully, she/he/they aren't that badly injured", I said setting her/him/them on the couch letting Tails do his magic, wrapping the (F/A) with some bandages, using antibiotics, and mending her/his/their cuts and bruises. "Hey Tails Imma crash for the night" "Ok Sonic, you deserve it, she/he/they should be up by sunrise but she/he/they won't be able to walk for maybe 3 days or so", Tails said and Light Gaia, or as we call him "Chip", comes in, "If she/he/they wake up can I give her/him/them some chocolate?" "Sure, but for now *yawn* it's past bedtime Chip, seeya at sunrise Sonic", Tails said leaving with Chip and I wave goodnight.

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