🎂 Cream the Rabbit X "lone-wolf"! dangerous! reader 🎂

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(Y/N) - your name

(F/A) - favorite animal

❖ your a lone wolf and a dangerous experiement at a young age walking around until you heard a cry for help


~ Cream's P.O.V. ~

I was walking down the street with cheese and Amy Rose, things have gotten more peaceful now that Mr. Dr. Eggman didn't make trouble since the war between the Resistance and the virtual reality army but I still feel like trouble is around the corner, something doesn't feel right, it's too peaceful, I'm so used to something happening that I'm already feeling uncomfortable. As we were walking I bump into someone softly losing my balance but the mobian caught me right on time. "Are you ok? I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention", the (F/A) said and I blush softly, she/he/they look new around town. "i-it's ok, th-thank you for catching me" "i-its nothing", she/he/they said bashfully. She/he/they must be this so-called "lone-wolf"? I've heard about them but I never thought I meet one, "oh how rude of me, I'm (Y/N) (F/A), whats your name?" "My names Cream the Rabbit and this is Cheese!~" "Chao!~", Cheese said happily.

"wanna come to my place and play?" "Sure, I'd love that", the (F/A) smile heading off with a wave and I was interrupted by Amy, "Awwww!~ so cute!~" "Amy!~". We giggled as we go shopping for clothing while I kept thinking about (Y/N) the (F/A).

~ 30 minutes later ~

After we shop till we dropped, we head to my place trying on the new dresses, it was until we were caught in the alleyway by a robber ready to strike, "Ok girls~ give me some cash and I won't have ta hurt cha~~", the bad guy said and Amy talked back, "Leave us be you jerk!", punching his jaw and he glared at us deadly, as he was about to strike something happened, is that (Y/N)?...


~ Your P.O.V. ~

Before the jerk even laid a finger on Cream I gripped his wrist painfully hurting him, "AGH! what the hell?! yer jus' a kid!! how can you?!", he said trembling, I can tell he's scared of me, just like everyone else. That's why I left my so-called "home" because I don't want to hurt anyone from my strength and that I don't want to suffer anymore from their experiments, I question why Cream didn't run though, she should be afraid, I'm nothing but a monster in everyone's eyes. "Don't hurt anyone ever again..", I said in an angered tone making the robber nod quickly letting him go as he ran for his life. When I turned to Cream and the pink hedgehog, I can tell they want me to leave but before I even left I felt someone hold my hand and hear a familiar voice, "please don't go!" "Chao! chao!", Cheese said. ".. you're not scared of me?", I said in shock, this girl is so special, why would she want to be with me?

"Of course not! you saved me!", Cream said in happiness and relief. "why would you think I should be scared of you when you saved my life?", I look away when she asked and she spoke again, "it's ok, you don't have to tell me now cmon!~ a simple thank you isn't enough for my hero!~""w-wha? hey wait!~", As Cream dragged me along with the pink hedgehog taking me to her home where she explained what happened. I learned that her single-mother is a very caring adult named Vanilla who was very grateful for saving her daughter, I can already tell where Cream got her beauty making me blush softly just thinking about it. Her mother even lets me stay for as long as I want, which in all honesty, I don't deserve this much hospitality and kindness, Cream deserved someone better than a monster like me but then I remember what Cream said when I saved her life, "Why would you think I should be scared of you when you saved my life?", months later I start developing feelings for her, even Amy can tell when I first met him in person. I just want her safe at all cost...

Because she's my princess, and I'm her knight in shiny armor...

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