.:||🎄 Christmas Special: Mephiles x Reader 🎄 ||:.

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/C) - Favorite color

❖ (F/F) - Favorite flowers

❖ (E/C) - eye color

❖ (F/A) - Favorite Animal

❖ Your in Sonic's Christmas/sleepover party but there's something suspicious about Mephiles, is he your, surprisingly, Secret Santa?


.:|| Mephiles' P.O.V. ||:.

     Good Soleanna, why does Sonic drag me into these pitiful mortal festivities, "I still don't get why you brought me here" "Because everyone needs a Christmas spirit!~ plus your not gonna be the only god here!~", Sonic exclaimed dragging me to the crowd, I scoffed, and I stayed at the corner alone but then I saw her/him/them, (Y/N) the (F/A), wearing those fashionable clothing, I'd be lying if I said I don't have any feelings for her/him/them, but I do, I didn't notice that I was caught staring by her/him/them and her/he/they blushed to turn her/his/their head facing away from my direction. 

I always had a liking on (Y/N), if it weren't for her/him/them to stop those three hedgehogs before ridding me from existence then I wouldn't be here, but my question is, why? Why me out of the millions of mortal beings, would she/he/they choose a heartless, ominous being like me? "Hey, Mephy!~ you ok there?" "Tch, of course, I'm alright why would you bother...", I sneered at Sonic, and he puts an arm around my shoulder, "C'mon Mephy!~ liven up a bit!~ I saw you eyeballing (Y/N) over there~", he said, and I scoffed feeling heat on my cheeks, "And what does that concern you hedgehog?" "Aw!~ so you do like her/him/them!- mmph?!" "Do. Not. Make. Me. Kill. You. Again...", I warned, covering his mouth and letting go before I stormed off to the gazebo alone fuming.

    How dare he said that but, admittedly, he's right, I do like (Y/N) but it feels like I want her/him/them more than a "friend", as they call it here on this planet, I then remembered that Amy explained to me that it's called "Love", having deep feelings for another, I guess that's what I've felt all this time, I even sent (Y/N) gifts anonymously, even romantic poems! "Hey Mephiles, I uh, I'm sorry for my behavior earlier" "It's fine...I guess I apologized for nearly killing you...", I said darkly, and I stood where I stand. 

"Do you have feelings for (Y/N)? if you are maybe, I can help!~ provided with your approval of course", Sonic said, and I turn to him, "I suppose you can help..." "Great!~ but first I'm beat, see ya in the morning Mephy!~" "Quit calling me that!!", I exclaimed, and I groaned getting a slight migraine, maybe going through a deep slumber would help. As I made my way inside, I hear soft snoring from the couch, and when I got closer to the sound, it was (Y/N) in her/his/their pajamas...

 As I made my way inside, I hear soft snoring from the couch, and when I got closer to the sound, it was (Y/N) in her/his/their pajamas

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