🤖 E-123 Omega X Pyromaniac! Reader 🤖

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❖ F/A - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

❖ You are a Pyromaniac hiding from everyone just to keep them self from your immense power, but what would happen if you met an Eggman robot?


~ Your P.O.V. ~

I can't stay in this world any longer, things have been tough for me: I nearly killed half the citizens, I couldn't control my powers and my sanity, and finally, I was kicked out of yet another village. Just rememorizing my recent episodes makes me hate myself even more, this all started when I was in Kindergarten when I just burst into flames letting fear take control and explode, thankfully everyone evacuated but after I was kicked out of education I was also abandoned out in the woods by my own biological parents and ended up living alone for many, many years.

While I was walking in the woods, I hear fighting and I let curiosity get the best of me, I hid inside the bush and watch two groups of three fighting each other for the emerald but I didn't know emerald can glow? so as I made my way around the scene I took the emerald. This may be my best chance of survival! 

"H-hey! where's the emerald?!", the white busty bat said and I was surrounded by one of the groups of three. What are they gonna do? Are they gonna kill me? As a million questions pop up, I became anxious and scared to death glowing curling up into a ball tearing up and a huge explosion happened just like when I was a small tot...

...When I opened my eyes, I saw that I messed up again but then the group came back and the black hedgehog came up to me taking the emerald, "what's your name..." "(y-Y/N)?...I-im sorry I-", the black hedgehog stopped me from talking anymore and he puts cuffs on me, but their rings with a golden chain like its regular handcuffs. "your coming with us..." "y-yes sir...", I look down sadden but then the female bat comes to me, "hey it's gonna be alright~ your not in trouble~" "Affrimitive; you will only be trialed and tested, also you uh...burn things very well I-MUST-CATCH-UP-TO-SHADOW-BYE!", the tall robot told me making me go bright red/pink, a robot with feelings? curious, "ooh~ whatcha thinkin' (Y/N)?~" "n-nothing! i-i'm just shocked...I thought your gonna kill me, I messed up so many times I don't deserve to be here...", just me saying the truth Rouge sharply turns to me, "Oh please! listen to you and me, Shadow and Omega doesn't believe they deserve to exist either, they felt the same way but look they put them in the past!" "What'd you mean?", then we heard a sigh from the black hedgehog or "Shadow" as they called him told me everything...

~ Afterwards ~

..."I'm so sorry to hear that Shadow...I-I shouldn't have asked, I m-messed up again...", I teared up and my ears sizzled from the heat instead of flowing down dripping onto the floor, "no it's fine, you were bound to know...but what made you say that you don't deserve to live? surely something happened..." "I-I...I d-don't want to talk about it, It's not fair I know but...", then the doors opens, let the torture begins...


~ Omega's P.O.V. ~

When we entered the room Shadow explained what happened to hand in the colored chaos emerald, while I led (Y/N) to the scientists to scan her and make some tests. I have a bad feeling when they removed her/his/their inhibitor cuffs, she/he/they look uncomfortable like she/he/they want to break down to either explode like last time or letting her/his/their tears leak out of her/his/their eyes, I am curious about her/his/their past though, however, she/he/they felt comfortable so it's only fair that I give her/him/them some time to adjust. 

I started making food since she/he/they look hungry like she/he/they haven't eaten anything in years, but just as I even start getting the ingredients...BOOM! "what is going on?!" "Its (Y/N)! she/he/they let fear got to her/him/them again!", just hearing that made my mechanism pump faster and I rush there seeing (Y/N) covered in flames holding out a wall of fire. "STAY AWAY FROM ME! JUST LET ME BE!", the poor colored (F/A) said, I wanna hold he/him/them close to me but I don't want to be fried because of course, I'm a robot.

So I did the closest thing I could do, I used a tranquilizer...

~ months later ~

...(Y/N) is in bed right now, ever since the incident, they immediately did what they could to help which thankfully they did - they put the inhibitor rings around her/his/their wrists, just like Shadow. But, after hearing that I asked some scientists to give me an upgrade, something that I will show later on, for now, it's time to check on (Y/N). She/he/they're still resting but seems like she/he/they shuffled in her/his/their sleep, good, I sat down beside her/him/them and drifted off to sleep mode with the (Y/N) soft organic hand in my metal claws.

Hours later I hear grunts, "mmm...hm? Omega?" "good you are awake, here I thought you might be hungry...", I turned the other way slightly shy, "th-thank you Omega" "Um if you don't mind me asking...why do you not want to live anymore...?", I said and she looks down, "I...Let fear consumed me and nearly killed everyone, my parents abandoned me at night and I woke up in the middle of the forest with no dirt road located at all..."

"that's horrible...I uh, wanna show you something...", I said and she/he/they look at me in confusion but then turned fully red when I changed my form into this (credit goes to rightful owner of this picture below)...

And with that, I got close but then hesitated thinking this is a bad idea but then (Y/N) touched my organic cheek and turn my face to her/him/them, "It feels so real

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...And with that, I got close but then hesitated thinking this is a bad idea but then (Y/N) touched my organic cheek and turn my face to her/him/them, "It feels so real...you didn't need to do this y'know..." "why not?"

"Because I will still love you, no matter what you transformed~"

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